Miguel Castaneda

Wait!  Come back!  I LOVE YOU!!!
Wait! Come back! I LOVE YOU!!! by @migucast (Miguel Castaneda)

Ugh... This picture has been so MANY months in coming... Late last year, I was to draw this for Amy's birthday... Of course, we didn't have a working scanner at the time, so I did the absolutely INSANE thing and attempted to draw it by mouse in Photoshop... I spent whole weeks on the basic lineart and despite all my effort.. I just couldn't get it done in time... :\ So I continued to pick at it... Little by little.... Then in October, Windows committed suicide and we spent about a week with this crate in the shop and with my nerves thoroughly frazzled and destroyed from the experience... I soon became too afraid to use or push the machine... I mean... I was so shaken to my core that I couldn't even sit through Scan Disk, it just made me physically ill! Well.. Now.. Several months after that disaster... I finally got this picture back out and attempted to finish it. And what's more is that in the past couple of days, Nadia's ultra fun cavalcade of hormonal emotional instabilities allowed me the benefit of actually getting MORE computer time than normal and ... Well.. I just went at the picture full bore!

In terms of what's being depicted here... Last Summer, our... "Group", attempted to play a D&D campaign in chat. Which... Was both fun and ... Interesting... Since half of us had NEVER done it before. I think the DM wanted to cut his veins by the end. :p Anyway... Near the end, we had this amusing scene occur where... Amy's character, Rin, recieved a Spider Cloak and used to climb up the walls of this cave and use some other power of her's to speak to the local fungi for useful information. ... And... Well... She got to hear about the exciting world of BATS! And bats... And bats... And.. Well.. Yeah.... Finidng the fungi particularly unhelpful, she decided to say her good byes and leave... But.. Well... The Fungus... ^^;;; Though the title is NOT an exact quote (I spent an hour delving through the chat logs and gave up.... HERO! RUSER! Get off your BUTTS and make a Search Script!)... I believe that's what it said as she left. Poor little fungus... Rin breaks yet... Another heart... ;_;

Moving right along...

Happy birthday, Amy! I'm sorry this took so long to finish... ^^;;;; I know I drive you crazy all the time... But that's just because I love you so MUCH! ^^ [KILLS AMY WITH A HUG... OF DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAATH]

And.. That's all... Now.. I'm going to bed... [COLLAPSES]

Finished Work
20y5d ago
Other Work By @migucast

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 16 April, 2004 @ 03:11 PM

D00d... You really did the coloring pretty quickly! The final product looks REALLY awesome! I love the bioluminescence effect! I was really curious as to how you were going to pull that off! The blue is properly feaktastic and contrasts well with the orange/brown/black palette of the rest of the picture. Cute little tentacles coming off of the main mushroom, too...

I love the coot and stupid-looking bat and its coot little trail through the dark... ^-^ And yay, you took my suggestion of putting a question mark over its head! ^-^

The background is done well, too... Little bits of glowing color in the blackness... I was curious as to how you were going to pull that off as well...

Finally, Rin herself! The blue highlights on her look so cool, and the shading, especially from her midriff down her body, flows really well! And the detail on the spider cloak is amazing--it really does look like spider webs! I would've expected more bioluminescence on the cloak, but then again, it's pretty far from the source of the lighting... It's sad that some of the detail on her shirt was lost because of black color, but it's still really awesome-looking!

I've been pretty lucky with this picture to see you work on it from start to finish and to see it grow. I think you've used some great CGing techniques in this image, and the time and effort you put into it really shows... I'm sure Amy will love this picture! R0xx0ring job, sweetie!

Posted: Saturday, 17 April, 2004 @ 01:01 AM

Yeah, I did it quickly... But I was up until 4:30 doing it! That plus the hour I wasted looking for the exact chat log and add to that the roofers starting in on the roof nice and loudly, prompt at 9 this morning PLUS my stomach ache around around 7-8 AM.. And... I barely slept at ALL! ;_; But at least it looks good! ^^

Posted: Wednesday, 28 April, 2004 @ 09:31 AM

Woooow! Thank you so much, Red! =D I love this! I really appreciate all the hard work you put into this picture and how meticulous you were in drawing my character. Besides for being an overall cute picture, you put in lots of great details, from the adorable bat, to the (somehow) cute fungus, the cloak webbing, and of course -- the totally fab bioluminescence. And I love the colors...even though they're mostly earth tones, they still have that bright pop that characterizes your work. Wonderful job, Red....thank you!

Posted: Wednesday, 28 April, 2004 @ 07:18 PM

Hee hee hee! ^_______^

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