Leira Cougar

Mermaids by @Nikol (Leira Cougar)

I didn't realize tasteful nudity needed an M rating, but oh well. I was trying to decide how a mermaid would reproduce... If they were fish, than the need for belly buttons and breasts would be nonexistant and they would lay eggs. So I sketched a "sharkmaid" (with features that are derived from different sharks) and a "fishmaid". The last, and my favorite, is a "marine-mammal-maid", lol. She doesn't have scales, as most mermaids are portrayed, but skin more like a dolphin. The spots come from the various spotted dolphins that I like the looks of. I thought that maybe I should make her forehead more bulbous, so that she could have the echolocation ability, but I decided that having hands for making tools would be sufficient. The other difference between the two kinds is that fish move from side to side, while the mammals motion is up and down, which is again how most mermaid motion is portrayed. So my conclusion is that mermaids should be mammals, not fish, although with gills they would be able to stay in the depths and remain undetected.

Mature (N)
Rough / Concept
19y215d ago
Other Work By @Nikol

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Tuesday, 01 March, 2005 @ 08:42 PM

I think its great that you actually thought out why a mermaid should be one specific type, like whether fishlike, or mammal like mermaids are more likely. Now I like that you thought this all out, but I do not totally agree with all of your reasoning, or some of your information. Like that the need for noseswould be gone I dont agree with that, but I would like to hear yor reasoning behind it, you could very well be right. because fish do have noses, or atleast nostrils because they can smell. Though I definitely agree that mermaids "should" be mammals. I have just another question for you, now were you trying to figure out what a mermaid could really be like, a fish or dolphin, or were you just trying out whether a mamal or fish like mermaid better fits the stereotype of a tradtional mermaid, and when you say should be mammals?

I like your ideas and I like your pics.

Sorry that I rambled on, and on, but I would appreciate you answering my questions, and you reading this. Thanks!^^

Posted: Tuesday, 01 March, 2005 @ 09:42 PM

Thank you very much for your comment! Ah, yes, smell :P I knew I was forgetting a sense in there somewhere! How thoughtless of me. I was hoping someone would correct me, so thank you :)

I was trying to decide weather they would be mammals or fish if they really existed. Since stories always insist that they are "half fish" but then they are stereotypically depicted as sort of combinations. With scales, but up and down movements, etc.

Thanks again for rambling on :D I know I certainly did!

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