Sarah Walker

by @sarawalk (Sarah Walker)

So much Invader Zim fanart. It makes me sick. What better way to show that than by drawing Zim vomiting. Don't get me wrong, I've seen some amazing artwork, but...so much...too much. And all the fan charactors. I like that people are being orginial. But that's a bit of an oxymoron, as many of them aren't too original. Three letter names! Stop with the three letter names!

Teen (O)
Finished Work
22y59d ago
Other Work By @sarawalk

Comments & Critiques (17)

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Posted: Wednesday, 07 August, 2002 @ 01:57 PM

How silly. Yuo say you're sick of Invader Zim fanart and yet you draw one. Peopel continue to draw IZ fanart because they love it so much. I'm sorry,it seemed you were looking for an answer. Tell me-are you anti-Zim?

Posted: Wednesday, 07 August, 2002 @ 02:12 PM

Silly, silly. I am sick of all the fanart, so I feed the monster. Yes, I'm so Anti-Zim. I buy the shirts and burn them in effigy, so the "true" fans can't have them.

Posted: Wednesday, 07 August, 2002 @ 03:36 PM

Personally, I like all of the IZ fan art. It gives me new things to look at every day. ^^ As for fancharacters with three-letter names.. well, it just seems as if everyone on that show (who is important and a kid) has a three-lettered name, and that's why people do that: it seems like it's a rule, even though it isn't. I don't always follow it. I have characters with a 6-letter name, some 1-letter names... one with a 10-letter name. So nyah. Personally I have way too many fancharacters, (Yeah, I admit it. ^^; 8 is a bit much.) but I make sure they're all as original as I can be. I tend to go a bit crazy with making my characters complex. Though really, my friends are the only ones who can see that since they're the ones who I RP with, but eh. I wuff my characters. But enough about them. I agree, sometimes there are fan characters who really aren't original at all, but from Side7, it is hard to judge that. It's the fan fiction and RPs that makes a character good or bad. ....It really annoys me when someone names their character "Bid" or "Miz" though. -.-; With that rant said, your Zim drawing is pretty good. I like the style. He looks more like he's dryly coughing though, but maybe that's just me. Oh well. I'm not going to ask people to try and draw vomit better. XD;; "Hey!! Puke is way chunkier than that, idiot!" See, then I'd have sunk to a level of critiquing that is scary. XD

Posted: Wednesday, 07 August, 2002 @ 10:06 PM

I really want to thank you for taking the time to post a well thought out comment. I commend you. Honestly, you've made my day. Anywho, as for the three letter names, "Bid" or "Miz", as you had said. I have one question for people who only use the 3 letter rule: don't they understand there are only 26 letters in the English alphabet, and there are only so many combinations that can be done. Done before it gets extremely old, done before you've seen the same name four times. As for the picture itself, let's just say Zim vomit is not chunky. He's an alien after all. Yes, I could have done much better...but eh.

Posted: Wednesday, 07 August, 2002 @ 04:32 PM

if you don't like Invader zim, You souldn't Search for invader zim, frst of all, i don't belive you would go Buy A zim shirt just to burn it, and if you do it's just stoopied, i mean, i Dislike Sponge bob, but i don't Go Buying stuff just to burn, how can you hate invader zim?

Posted: Wednesday, 07 August, 2002 @ 10:21 PM

Okay, now. Obviously you don't quite understand. I do not go search for Zim. As for buying shirts to actually burn them, there's this little thing called sarcasm. Perhaps you might want to look into it. Have a lovely day.

Posted: Wednesday, 07 August, 2002 @ 08:30 PM

i agree...DAMN IT!!! ....i forgot wut was gunna say....i hate that....i'll come back later when i remember.....

Later: it kind of is redi..(can't spell)...stoopid to just full your archive with nothing but invader zim stuff pics and stuff....but to have it as fanart of sorts is ok....and fan...ppl are just original stuff so..i guess thats good...anyways, i might as well make a comment on the image...is that a pen drawing... i like pen drawings... very discriptive...it kind of freaked me out...and then i...oh man......

k i go now.....

Posted: Wednesday, 07 August, 2002 @ 10:32 PM

Yep, it's a pen drawing.

Posted: Thursday, 08 August, 2002 @ 11:41 AM

Looks up at the review above her (not the authors but the other one) HEY! SOME PEOPLE HAPPEN TO LIKE IZ!!! THEY CAN FILL UP THEIR ARCHIVES WITH WHAT EVER THE FOOK THEY WANT!!!!!

Well with that out of the way. I like IZ. I can even quote out entire episoides but i do agree with you. I get tired of characters with three letter names. Also the characters who waltz in and everyone falls in love with them. Or Zim and Dib both fight over that character. It makes me shake my head and wonder how many brain cells the people lost before they wrote this.

I like how you drew Zim. He looks cool. Especially his boots. The puke should be chunkier though. :) Is Zim puking over all of the ooc pictures and fan art of him or how almost everyone makes their fan character fall in love with him?

Posted: Thursday, 08 August, 2002 @ 03:30 PM

I like Invader Zim as well. (What was said above about Anti-Zim is sarcasm, yet not everyone comprehends that.)

But the love stories. Augh. I can't help but think it's what happens when you watch cartoons under the influence. However, there are some well-written stories by people who will someday write books with muscular men sporting long hair (Fabio?) on the cover. You know, the books you see at the grocery store.

Enough of that. Puke=Chunky. Yes, yes, I know. I shall remember that next time I draw vomit.

What Zim is vomiting on, I really don't know.

Posted: Thursday, 08 August, 2002 @ 06:49 PM

I do agree with you on this: all those three letter names...drives MeL...INSANE! impoldes in insanity Are they trying to copy Jhonen? Or are they just trying to stick to the show? Hmmm...Anyways, I'm sorry if I offended you...or mad you mad...or if you wanna kill me and scoop out my insides now! I though u really didn't like Zim...and I admit I'm wrong. Um,but one thing wrong...uh, you kinda drew Zim kinda...tall. ^^ and the thing is he's kinda short! Oh well...

Posted: Thursday, 08 August, 2002 @ 10:20 PM

I understand about the love stories (especially when fan characters are ALWAYS paired up with the main IZ cast. But as long as the fan character isn't a Mary Sue, I'm fine with it). And to tell the truth? I can stop drawing Zim stuff if I felt like it. I'm just in my Zim obsession at the moment. I'm trying to get out of the "three-letter-name" thing...ugh...And I understand that the Anti-Zim mark was sarcasm--guess people are a bit too dense to see that. People can be stubborn with situations like this. Someday, everyone here in this archive will eventually get sick and tired of drawing Zim stuff, and move onto another obsession to bug people with! But meanwhile, I'll stay in my Zim mode and draw until I come up with final sketches for my original characters...if I ever get to the bottom of that. -_-;...well, anyway, just letting you know that there's no hard feelings! ^^;;

Posted: Saturday, 10 August, 2002 @ 01:13 AM

.....Why three letter names? Whhhyyy.... (then again, my SIR fancharacter's name is ZIA, so what can I say? *rolls eyes) I named MY irken Atijo Gustave Setin Jerisofun Lucien (I cannot spell that fourth name and I made it up!), and I have a feeling that's HARDLY 3 letters... heheheh.... See, now I live off fanart & fanfics cuz Zim is barely on (1 fifteen minute ep. every friday night at 9:30?! C'mon...) ....Oh crud... I just realized I MISSED that.... ah well, prolly already seen it....

Posted: Tuesday, 13 August, 2002 @ 08:03 PM

Born out of a conversation is my stupid fan charactor, Tall-ER BOjangles.

Posted: Monday, 12 August, 2002 @ 05:31 AM

yesh, WUT IS UP WIT 3 LETTER NAMES!! WHYYY!! (mai fan char SIR mane is MIR but...eh...mai fan chars name is Senn!^.^)Man, I hate it when ppl make zim and dib fight ova them or worse...ZADR...>.< I'm sowwie but I HATE slashyness!! and Zim and GIR Romance...now thats wrong.... n e way, piccy....Me luved how u did it in pen! and the boots...they command me!! <--(how the hell...)Did u draw that only wit pen? it looks lyk it...thats really good!

Posted: Tuesday, 13 August, 2002 @ 07:59 PM

The boots, the boots. I like the boots, too. Done in pen, and I just saw some faint pencil doodles at the bottom.

Posted: Wednesday, 09 October, 2002 @ 10:55 PM

Good point. Well taken. I like it! (thus comming from and ex-fanartist of IZ shtuff) I gave up after realising how much it was being overdone. I dun mind it when an artist puts up a few bits of fanart to whatever, but to devote one's whole archive to it? Just gets all old and such. And, along the lines of what other commenters have said, vomit doesn't always hafta be chunky... so I don't think there's any call to be picky about it. =o) You got some good art here, keep it up. I give you praise! praises

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