Luna Vee

I Don' Wanna Die...
I Don' Wanna Die... by @lunavee (Luna Vee)

Poor GIR. Deactivated and left in a corner, abandoned, to rust silently...

This was done about a day or two after I heard the "NEWS" about the cancellation. I cried. Mostly from disbelief. And because I cry really easy. I'm the kind of person who will cry when Bethany dies in Dogma. Course, that might be my Silent Bob Empathy kicking in...

Anyway, yesh. This is my sorta farewell piece about the show. Of course I still draw Zim stuff, but it was a goodbye to the show itself. So sad... Poor GIR. hugs GIR

I just wish I'd done this better. Put better metallic highlights and not shaded so hard that it ground into the paper. Cause now it looks fuzzy. >.< Yarg = Gray. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Luna Vee

Finished Work
22y183d ago
Other Work By @lunavee

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 06 April, 2002 @ 02:34 AM

Sniffle... aww, that's so sad... and yet oddly cute... I lerves j00, GIR, I lerves j00! hugglez da poor lil' robot

Posted: Wednesday, 21 August, 2002 @ 05:31 AM

Dun worry about the shading, it makes it look like the lights have gone out and everyhting is dark. it fit the mood. ::sigh:: true IZ is over, such a short time for such a remarkable cartoon, but hey, nothing gold can stay, ne? I've heard rumors that Jhonen Vasquez will be doin more comics. he's already dun a book called everything can be beaten under teh name he used for when he did voice acting in IZ (Like Shunk wugga and Old Kid umong many)It's something sclox or something, anyways you can go to slave labor and check it out. Supposedly he's doing 2 more issues of squee then 7 more of JTHM. At least thats the rumors...o.O;

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