Zeero Yuy

Chinese Sky
Chinese Sky by @MegaX (Zeero Yuy)

I actually intend to put this up for sale at otakon '04.

I'm almost finished. I just have to finish off Tyson and Kai's earing and it's set. Mostly it's touchup work and whatnot. Then to get the matboard...ohh the matboard. It's a 19X24 pic after all.

Anyway, what did I use? A lot of things actualy. Colored Pencil, Sharpee marker (My other best friend), Acrylic paint, Whiteout, and marker. It's a little hard to see and I'll just have to explain a bit. The marker I used to outline the characters, and It also filled in the black in Rei's hair and Kai's shirt. The good things about sharpee is that it doesn't care what type of media you're using. It's permanent and won't fade for anything. You know that white crayon trick we use to use with regular markers? Nope, does not compute to the magical sharpee.

Sharp-chan: "White crayon? What's that? Paint? HUH? What is this... this Whiteout? You insult me punny artist."

The color pencil was used for just about everything else save for the background and eyes. The background was done in acrylic paint, and the bars making the three other main characters stand out was done in a pearlecent blue mix. It's hard to see the pearlecent in the picture. The eyes were done with a regular marker and whiteout. I used the whiteout to hold the color of the marker but lighten it to give a shine type affect.

Meaning? Inspiration? Yes, there is some. I really like beyblade the first season. I liked the artstyle so i copied it as best I could. I wanted all the boys togehter because I personaly find that they are a really great team. So instead of loner pics I tried to bring them all together in harmony. I wanted them to stand out so I used complimenting colors. The deep blue and the bold orange really gave it a dramatic affect and prejected them.

Biffs? Sure do! Like the fact the paint tried to get where it wasn't suppose to, markers ran out on me, and tape tried to kill it. ^_^ hey, turned out alright in the end. I learned a lot from doing this peice.

"Don't think you're done painting 'cause your probably not."


" Sharpee-outline only AFTER you are 100% sure you're painting and colored penciling is done. 99.7% doesn't cut it."

I wish were able to get a better copy of his piece. My digicam is great but it smoothes things over and I didn't want that. I wanted to be able to show poeple it in it's raw form. Not only that the vibrant colors are faded a bit because of that.

20y326d ago
Other Work By @MegaX

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 13 November, 2003 @ 05:56 PM

Very, very nice!! You've done a fantastic job! The coloring on this is terrific. I like how the colors blend into each other. Rei's eyes look nice too. =) I wish I could see a better copy. The colors do look a bit washed out. Great job all around! ^_^

Posted: Friday, 14 November, 2003 @ 12:54 AM

Thanks a lot. I've been thinking recently of getting some close ups when the sun is out and bright. then the colors will come out better. I'll probably do that in the near future.

Posted: Friday, 14 November, 2003 @ 10:19 PM

EXCELLENT PIC. I love the composition, the characters, everything about that! The quality of the scan/digital pic is not good, though, as you know--do you have a program like Adobe Photoshop? That can fix it up without you having to retake a picture. Just run the remove noise tool and then adjust the contrast accordingly. If you dont' have that, just send the pic to me, I'd be happy to help you out with that. Also, if you have a scanner, but this image is too large, you can try scanning it in pieces--though it's a pain to edit them back together, a lot of my recent images are large so I have had some luck doing that. This is really great for a digital photograph of the art, though, it's not too slanted or anything. And I love the sky! Mixing mediums is great--and thank you for the long description on the picture. I really appreciate stuff like that, and it will be cool if I see this at Ota 04--I'll be like "DUDE! I know who drew that!"

Posted: Saturday, 15 November, 2003 @ 09:16 AM

Thanks a lot. Unlike some of my other images there's a lot to say about this one. I don't have adobe Photoshop. I do have the miniature program Adobe PhotoDeluxe. It has the option you're speaking of so I'll run it through the hoops and see if that helps any. I did actualy fix it a bit when i took it the first time, however, I'm planning on updating the picture very soon with closeups of the characters. It'll be a decently large image but I don't think many will mind too much. My digicam should actualy be adiquate for taking pics seperatly thought I've been contimplating just scanning in the close-ups (My poor Scanner).

I think the reason the pics isn't slanted is because I was. X3 But i know how you feel about the "DUDE! I know that person!!" thing. I do that online when I cross artists on different web-pages.

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