Diosden Rodriguez

The Silver Fox
The Silver Fox by @digoraccoon (Diosden Rodriguez)

A commission piece done in printer ink and coloring pencils. I tried to avoid straight blacks by employing a combination of dark reds and purples to the black pencil to give it a richer shade.

20y62d ago
Other Work By @digoraccoon

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 26 February, 2004 @ 05:31 PM

Either he's looking at that one strand of hair, or he's crosseyed....

The shading worked really good. Its uniformly dark, but if you actually try to look you can still make out the costume details (like hte boots, and pads and stuff). So yeah, the purples and reds paid off.

The shelves look a little funky (either thier drawn at a different perspective than the bar itself, or this is one of those modernist-designed drinking establishments) but props for including it. The break in the shelves for the....thing...is a nice touch. As a composition...this is quite good.

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