Yvonne Chung

Osiris is in Colour!!!
Osiris is in Colour!!! by @Ashriel (Yvonne Chung)

Here we go! I think my scanner ate the colors, but who knows, its might turn out well.. i dunno, my computer's stupid.. ANYWAY I colored Osiris, his fur is supposed to be a yellow ochre color,and his hair and footpads a chestnut brown, he has a blue band in his hair and also two blood red feathers in his hair, and has green eyes.. and a black ankh thingie on his left ear.. yeah.. I think that's it, otherwise, another tidibit of info, he's good friends with Virgil, I reckon they're best friends, but who knows with two sorta evil undead guys.. GOD!!! I've tried deleting this stupid drawing and uploading it already 3 times!! I just CANNOT get my rescanned version to go on my gallery!! This is the last and 4 time I'm trying that, and if it doesnt turn out good, I'll just leave it, all not scanned well-like!! aarrggh!!! I REALLY hate my scanner... YAY!! I just checked and it WORKED!!!! :D!! Those are the actual colors.. All I had to do was save the file again under a different name, I am so damn STUPID!!! bangs head on desk

Teen (N)
Finished Work
22y176d ago
Other Work By @Ashriel

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