Yumeno Shoiryu

Gundam Wing RP Scene 1:
Gundam Wing RP Scene 1: "Poker Faces" by @yumeshoi (Yumeno Shoiryu)

Sweetie on the far left there is Gabriel Iken, elder brother of Preventer Tristan Iken. Woman in glasses is Juugo Ikuko, bitch extrodinaire. Odd smirking guy in background? ...Nooooo idea.

Rough / Concept
22y163d ago
Other Work By @yumeshoi

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 02 May, 2002 @ 01:34 PM

She doesn't have a gun on him, does she? worries That poor boy...I do hope he's alright.

Posted: Friday, 03 May, 2002 @ 01:24 AM

"Excuse me please, Foreign Minister..." the coppery-haired youth seated on Juugo’s right flinched very slightly as the Japanese woman shot him a brief, unreadable glance, but didn’t fall silent. "...But in order to fully contain the sickness properly, complete quarentine of the infected areas would have to be put into effect." He smiled, the expression a poker face: unreadable of true intent. His eyes were barren of feeling. "That’s one thing to consider, though I’m sure there are others. A hospital in the middle of the area of highest contamination unexpectedly received a shipment of over 5000 vaccine from an unknown source, for one." The dead expression flickered a little. "I myself know for fact that these vaccines did not come from Galloway-" "That’s quite enough, Gabriel," Juugo said smoothly. Her smile never wavered. She didn’t even bother to look at him, but he fell silent immediately, eyes dropping to the tabletop. Juugo shook her head slightly. "You will have to forgive my aid, Foreign Minister," she murmured. "Mr. Iken forgets his place, at times."

There's the scene. Tee hee. No, there's no GUN... but she IS holding him hostage all the same. ^,^

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