Meret Rinath

lalala, Professor Snaaape....~_~;(Don't ask)
lalala, Professor Snaaape....~_~;(Don't ask) by @DisasterInAHalo (Meret Rinath)

Aha!..another one of my old pieces ^^; This is..was...a HP-ish poster I was doing for myself(um, long story)..Let me explain. Gorgeous gothy Prof in the middle is, as you expect, my beloved Severus Snape!^^ then, in the upper left corner, we have Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy( at least that's how I used to draw them back then...back then being a few months only but anyway<<;; )...and then right below them we have that bastard ><;; Sirius Black. I don't even KNOW why I drew him!!!! I HATE "the ugly git" (HAH!!>< )..I was going to do Harry's parents and Lupin on the right of Snape, but gave up on the poster...bored~_~;; Artwork © Copyright 2002 Helkaramiel Waenheru

22y120d ago
Other Work By @DisasterInAHalo

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 11 June, 2002 @ 11:41 AM

I love your art. It's so unique! The first time I saw your art I was all 'HOLY SH!T' (stupid site wont let me swear) I'm really jealous of you. I envy you. I just draw anime style, nothing original. -.-;; You have so much talent...Did I tell you I love your art? ^.^;;

Posted: Wednesday, 12 June, 2002 @ 03:45 PM

Very pretty... and, of course, it's Snape, so I love it. Your art style kind of reminds me of a manga called "Alichino". ^_^

Posted: Thursday, 13 June, 2002 @ 12:02 PM

My art style remind you of "Alichino"??????!!!!!OMG!!!!!!diesX_X!! That's probably one of THE best compliments about my art that I'd EVER receivedhank you so much!! I'm more than flattered!! ;_; Obviously loves "Alichino" Sniff...!!!

Posted: Saturday, 22 June, 2002 @ 07:06 PM

I LOVE thic pic of Snape!Please finish the poster and for Lady's sake woman,DRAW MORE HARRY POTTER!

Posted: Friday, 01 November, 2002 @ 10:30 AM

Man, I love goth!Sev. So pretty....

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