
Mortal Fear
Mortal Fear by @ericluck (Eric)

Fanart of Natasha Radinov the villain(ess) of the Anime Gunsmith cats, and one of my favorite anime characters (Tetsuo of Akira being the only other contender for the top). Anyway, ironically she's the only character I like in that mini series, and I felt that her character had the potential to be much deeper than she was portrayed. my thought is, that obviously one that goes through life trying to get ahead in the brunt of the Soviet Union develops a sort of emotional shell to their surroundings to deal with it. Especially going through its military and attaining the rank of Major, all despite being female. With her brush with death came the crumbling of that wall and the seeming disappearance to any aspirations she might have had, basically life. She then looks back on it all like how people's lives flash before their eyes, and is finally able to take it all in and is quite stricken by what she sees. Oh, and the lines below are lyrics from Metallica's song, The Unforgiven.

22y34d ago
Other Work By @ericluck

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