Amy Hopp

Seiki by @amichan (Amy Hopp)

^,^ Well, I colored it today! plu! It's very pink.... @.@ has too many friends who love pink, its a bad influence Tell me what you all think... If theres any problems with it I'd like to try to fix them... oh and the shoulrder proportions are fine so I didn't change them from the sketch, Selina... ^.^ at least they look fine to me.... >.>

Finished Work
20y225d ago
Other Work By @amichan

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 22 February, 2004 @ 04:57 PM

I'm not quite sure how manga proportions work, but I know in a figure drawing class I learned a cool and simple way to get the shoulders looking the correct size...

You take the character's head, and turn it ninety-degrees so it's sideways toward either side. The top of the head will then be how far out the shoulder should reach. For women, you can go a little under.

Does that make sense? Anyway, saw the opportunity to share a trick and thought I'd do so. :-) Neat looking pic, by the way, I dig how you colored the flesh tones.

Posted: Sunday, 22 February, 2004 @ 09:51 PM

That's Ok, it was just my opinion as I don't usually draw people with broad shoulders, esp not the girls. It's a good pic colored though, what program do you use?

Posted: Monday, 23 February, 2004 @ 12:18 AM

Un, I use Paint Shop Pro 7.0. ^,^ I'm learning how to work with Photoshop too though. Coloring is my main specialty! I've always been good at tonal shadowing and the like... >,> Technically though, I'm still a beginner... This is the 3rd pic I've actually colored on PSP.... I've had practice at coloring on oekaki and the like...

Oh and to tylersticka... That made perfect sense to me, you got it across well. Thats a neat trick too! I learned a slightly harder way of figuring shoulder width out, though it normally only works for guys.... And thankyou for your comment ^.^

Posted: Monday, 23 February, 2004 @ 11:23 PM

Well, I started leaving a comment before my kitten jumped on the keyboard and made my computer go nuts...

Anyways. Very cute, bouncy image. I love the bubblegum pink color scheme--I really am impressed with the many different colors you've used, not only in her hair, but her skin as well. It really makes her look like she's glowing with youthful health!

My only critique is that her eyes don't seem nearly as smooth as the rest of the image--the coloring inside seems very rough, which is a tad disconcerting. Other than that, I love it!

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