And that's exactly why I don't CG much anymore. I use Adobe too; you get about 99% of the way through, everything looks perfect, you think it's the best work you've ever done and are all proud and stuff then WHAM!! Illegal Operation. Can't save, can't right-click and Copy, can't do anything about it but growl and kick things and scream at anyone who dares come to see what's going on.. This pic really sums up all of that nasty emotional stuff.
Computer killed my drawing!! by @zarathus (zara thus)
i was nearly finished a pic i was doing on adobe...when shuudenly the computer decided that adobe had performed an illegal operation...and i lost my picture! it took me over an hour...and it was specially for some one who just "loved" the kind of thing i was drawing @_X grrrr my computer hates me! crys Artwork © Copyright 2002 zara thus
I understand totally...after hours of working and such like. Happened to me too and man was I ever bummed! Great portrayal of feeling in the picture lord knows that exactly how I felt...and the picture is funny too (had me laughing ^__^)