Chase Harlem

Delphi and her unstoppbale group!
Delphi and her unstoppbale group! by @chasharl (Chase Harlem)

Delphi and her Pokémon team! ^^

From left to right; Rapidash, Tirago, Delphi, Seagel, Wheeboi, Mareep and Articuno! ^^

They are UNBEATABLE!!!

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Chase Harlem

Finished Work
22y96d ago
Other Work By @chasharl

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 01 July, 2002 @ 12:19 PM

Delph, you THINK you're unstoppable, but I can beat ya with my eyes closed, both my hands behind my back and my leg behind my head. XDDDD

You used my Tirago pose! XD I rule. is thwapped OK. XD

I'm hyper, couldya tell? bangs head on desk WHEEEEEE!

Posted: Monday, 29 July, 2002 @ 12:00 AM

I could beat you all! BWAHAHAHA! Actually I think I could. I raised an elite team of dark pokemon. My shiny Ninetales is a dark purple(her name is Shadow), my tyranitar(Tyrane) is dark purple also, I have a blue mew(Psykat,) a dark purple mewtwo(Mewtwo,) a light green lugia(Oracle,) a purplish suicune(Hydro,) an Umbreon that flashes green(Anei,) a Persian named Sassy, and a Houndoom named Inuki. These pokemon other the Lugia all have a dark appearance. Most of them are shiny pokemon also. With Rare attacks. Beat that. SSSUUUUGGGAAARRRR HHHHIIIGHHHH

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