Christine D

tiger by @rogue (Christine D)

rawr...tiger colored in with colored pencils..I'm sorta proud of it.. I started it last Saturday.Alot of people were coming over my house because of a death in my family..and I didn't have much else to do..been workin on it all week.

--my dad gave me some pointers to make this picture better.I'll be uploading the finished picture soon.:-)

20y253d ago
Other Work By @rogue

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 23 January, 2004 @ 05:04 PM

^_^ This is really good! I love tigers...well, I love big cats (especially Snow Leopards and Panthers)- Colored pencil eh? Your scanner must like you more than mine likes me- they come out slightly grainy and discolored.

Anyway- the only off thing I can find is that the colors blend together too much around the black stripes and spots...maybe like it smeared...but that's not a big deal. I really like his ears and the eyes. woots Tigers rule!

Posted: Friday, 23 January, 2004 @ 05:44 PM

Yeah I kinda went crazy when I colored this,because I wasn't quite sure what colors I should use and I've just been wearing away at it endlessly...anyway..thank you for your comment!:-)

Posted: Wednesday, 28 January, 2004 @ 10:59 PM

I am really impressed with this one. Whether intentional or no, the way the black has blurred a little truly gives the illusion of soft fur. I just want to pet him (though he would probably bite my hand off, even though he looks so friendly!) What I really enjoy in this image is the deep, wise looking eyes he has. They are very tigerish and quite beautiful. :) Keep drawing tigers, this one looks great and you can only get better. :)

Posted: Saturday, 07 August, 2004 @ 01:00 PM

Ohhh... that's awsome. I like the coloring, it looks very thick and... colorful, really. ^_^ And the eyes are very feline, with the impression of being half closed without hiting you in the head with it. You really should color more. Have ou ever tried drawing on the computor?

Posted: Wednesday, 11 August, 2004 @ 12:28 PM

Such a beautiful pic. The coloring is fantastic. I love tigers...they are very dear to my heart, as I was born in the Year of the Tiger ^.^

His eyes and nose are very well defined, as well.

Just wonderful :)

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