Ehren Hatten

Erika Hewitt (Frost Velocity)
Erika Hewitt (Frost Velocity) by @ehrehatt (Ehren Hatten)
Name: Erika Hewitt

age: 15

about: Erika was yer average fifteen yr old girl staring high school, when, on one fateful day, she had to go to the nurses office and recieved a shot that accelerated her mutative genes and made her skin go bright white, the black eye she had turned into a black lightning bolt and she got ice energy powers, which, eventually, turned her hair blue.

She is the leader of a small team of others like her called Velociforce(named after her).

I made this comic book up back in the eighth grade. I carried it up until senior year when I really went off on the MillenniuM Detective. She is cute, no? Artwork © Copyright 2002 Ehren Hatten

Finished Work
22y172d ago
Other Work By @ehrehatt

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