Luna Vee

Angel Boys
Angel Boys by @lunavee (Luna Vee)
From left to right: Michael, Uriel, and Gabriel. Yes, Gabriel's wings are small. Ra.

Anyway, these are again from the Osiris comic. They occaisionally pop in to help out/train/deliver messages from God to/heckle Osiris/Death. Funfun.

I like Michael's look. I tried to mix a little bit of John Travolta's Michael into his look, with the trench, hairdoo, and lock of black hair. I also added a little of the traditional depictions of Michael, such as the blond hair and blue eyes. Also, yes, I know the coat is obstructing it, but the T-shirt says "PH33R 7H3 H0LY WR47H! Note, he's also the only angel adorned with TWO crosses. shrug You have to look close, but his earring is a cross. Also, yes, I know his shoes look like poo. Ah well.

I love Uriel. ^.^ He's my favourite of the angels, oddly enough, No, literally, of the actual angels spoken of in the religion, I like Uriel the best. Probably because I was almost to be named after him. shrug But, yeah. It's a cool name. Here's something weird. The femmiest is the tallest. That's unusual. heh I love his hoodie. I want one like that. I have sandals exactly like his, plus 5 years wear and tear. heheh Anyway, two things to note on Uriel. The first being the trifore earring, a shape which I've seen on bible and biblical book covers, probably representing the holy trinity. Yeah... And Socks with Sandals. It's an inside joke where I live, because people tend to do that a lot. It's a sign that you live here. A rite of passage, if you will. shruggle

Gabriel. Weird hairdoo, spiffy shirt, cool cross, screwed up his boot. nods Artwork © Copyright 2002 Luna Vee

Finished Work
22y181d ago
Other Work By @lunavee

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