Stephanie King

Kagato by @stepking (Stephanie King)

Comments on Image: Er, I was quite disappointed with this one. ::dodges any serious art critics:: Hey, it was my first ever attempt at Kagato!! Comments on Character: As you may already know,or guessed, Kagato is a villian. Even as a kid I always took a liking to sinister villians, (which worried my mother ^^;)and this is no exception.Kagato is ONE of the reasons I started to watch the Tenchi sagas, and the only reason I watch T. Universe. He is my favourite of the two Kagato versions, although he is the more hated.. I dunno why..I like him ::glomp::^__^

Fan art from: Tenchi Universe

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Stephanie King

Finished Work
22y226d ago
Other Work By @stepking

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 22 February, 2002 @ 11:49 PM

Aww.. Its okay. I am suprised you dont like Nagi and adorable Ryo-okhi and Ken-Ohki.

Posted: Sunday, 24 February, 2002 @ 02:49 PM

Kagato is coolie! But Lestat is better (yeah he's not anime so shoot me :-p) I think yosho shoulda died!!!! ^^ ~Evil Incarnite Lestat Coffin Keeper Great and Powerful ME

Posted: Friday, 01 March, 2002 @ 09:52 PM

Don't excuse yourself quite so much. My attempt at Kagato would be REALLY bad, you don't even want me to TRY. I mean seriously. lol I think it's great, and I'm sure you'll get tons better at it as you draw him more and more often. Keep it up, Steph, I love your work!! ^^ ~stupid name, I know. but I must at some point resort to originality in SOME shape or form. g

Posted: Monday, 11 March, 2002 @ 02:30 PM

Ah...he's from Tenchi...okay. I happen to take a liking to villians quite often myself...THERE'S NOTING WRONG WITH THAT!!! looks around, ready to swing at any who disagree er...clears throat ...domo arigato.

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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