Latimas Au: I think this one is yours
Latimas Au: I think this one is yours by @Eternity9

Ever since I drew the M and L the pink and purple Lati’s that I’ve named now Maria and Louis. I’ve wanted to draw them interacting with Lati-Ingo and Lati-Emmet in some way and well I came across this drawing base on pinterest and it gave me the idea for this!

Also I’ve had this silly idea that Maria and Louis are looking for their ‘Parents’ as they are orphans who were raised along with other orphan Pokemon until they were strong enough to go out on their own, they quickly decided they were going to find their family.

While traveling they heard about the Guild Bosses Lati-Ingo and Lati-Emmet and decided one of them had to be their Dad so off to the Gear Station Guild they go!

Lati-Ingo and Lati-Emmet in this Au are not actually able to have biological children and so having two random Lati’s showing up at your guild step claiming to be your long lost kids caused quite a stir.

Maria: You are bad parents for abandoning your children!!!!

Lati-Emmet: I think this one is yours, she is verrrry loud, yep!

Lati-Ingo: >= <

Louis just happy to be held, feeling like he is being accepted for once in his life.

Maria and Louis are really young Lati’s hence why they are so small compared to Lati-Ingo and Lati-Emmet, in a normal 'Flight’ of Lati’s they still wouldn’t be expected to be going off on their own yet, but they are surprisingly strong ones, very similar to Lati-Ingo and Lati-Emmet when they were their age.


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