Luna Vee

Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV by @lunavee (Luna Vee)

Hehehe, my first anime fanart that was good enough to post. I haven't done any actual anime fan art in years, so this is quite the event. I heart Ed. She's just so bloody awesome. Carefree, genius, plays with a corgie, skinny as a stick, rubbery movements, and nifty goggles! And that whole "Living On Bebop" thing...

I know her hair isn't the same, and I intended it that way. I think this looks a little better, and is easier to draw.

I did this in Painter, using me tablet. Felt marker for hair, pencil for outlines, felt marker and eraser for eyes, and the fill tool for everything else. Well, and fine-tipped felt pen for the lettering...

I heart Ed. She is my goddess. She's the best ever in life. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Luna Vee

Finished Work
22y110d ago
Other Work By @lunavee

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