Intilectoe Forever

Nightmares w/o you
Nightmares w/o you by @Intilectoeforever (Intilectoe Forever)

Again done on oekaki and then completed in Adobe. A bit of history of this picture. It was really quite hmmm... whats the word. Er... inappropreite I'm sure youcan figure it out if not don't try to. Anyway I had liked it because I gotten his form right everything in th right place, arms, chest, abodomen, and everything. But I had hated how I portrayed him so I let it go. A few months later I winced and sighed and changed it a bit outlined and colored. You know the rest. Decided it was Inti suffering from nightmares of loosing Karisiha (his wife) when she was away for a very long time. So there you have it. "Nightmares without you"

Finished Work
20y263d ago
Other Work By @Intilectoeforever

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