Hannah Matthews

Squirrel-ly Thing
Squirrel-ly Thing by @hannmatt (Hannah Matthews)

Yesterday I was looking through 'The World of the Dark Crystal' by Brian Froud. Some beautiful, wonderfly detailed illistrations for the movie Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal, which I've never seen. Anyway. I found some pages of sketches of animals of that world. Some of which were extremely cute :) I particularly liked this Squirrel-thing. It's feet are webbed with seaweed-like stuff through the tail, suggestion it's a water ceature. So I tried to draw that. My pic is a bit more cutesy, while the original was more realistic. The other sketches in this are just some of the others.

Rough / Concept
22y168d ago
Other Work By @hannmatt

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Saturday, 20 April, 2002 @ 07:43 PM

ow..how cute! I've seen the Dark Crystal! It's my favorite movie.

Posted: Sunday, 21 April, 2002 @ 05:46 AM

Wow, that is a great drawing! I love the Dark Crystal, it's also one of my favourite movies (aswell as the Labyrinth and Edward Siscorhands!)

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