Allison U

I'm BACK! (and I'm a cowboy, aerosmith are the coolest, bawitaba, man! I like james dean, but only god knows why, yeah! RIP Joe C!)
I'm BACK! (and I'm a cowboy, aerosmith are the coolest, bawitaba, man! I like james dean, but only god knows why, yeah! RIP Joe C!) by @alliu (Allison U)

piccy for angie, cuz she's all nice to me and stuff, and I think she deserves it. Plus Xenalia is super cool, so ^^ I'm into drawing and CG-ing tight, vynal-y pants lately, for some reason...just fun to color, and good for experimenting with different contrasts in different materials. I like how she's not sitting on anything XP I originally had drawn in a little couch-footstool thingy she was sitting on, but then I decided it looked retarded and erased it. Then I didn't know what to have her sitting on, and then I wanted to finish it today and got too lazy to put anything in at all. So she's just sitting on her name or something. This description is long, don't you think? maybe I should stop writing now...yup, that sounds like a good idea. So, I'll just stop writing this long, rambling, pointless description now. Don't want to sound long winded or anything, y'know? Short, sweet, to the point, that's how descriptions should be, so that's how mine'll be, nice and short, just describe the image, and then get outta there, with no excessive rambling or anything along those lines, y'know? I hate people who just go on and on about something, just restate it over and over using different words, when you got the point about ten minutes ago, but they just wnt shut u-gets shot in the head........how rude.

Finished Work
22y47d ago
Other Work By @alliu

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