Lauren Sefchik

Kaleidascope by @laursefc (Lauren Sefchik)

It wasn't really my best done work for a Color Theory final, but Ms. Zobac thought it was great and gave me and A+ and hung it up in one of the cases at our school. So I guess it's not all that bad. Reason why I hated it so much (other than the fact that the design ended up not completely matching) was because I had very little time to get this colored and inked. Therefore, I ended up using those bloody Prisma Markers and then inked over it with black pen and a credit card which eventually made blots all over it. Of course, you can't really see it here because the actual piece is huge. So I scanned in just one block (the one with the least amount of blots) and then just turned it into three more and pieced it back together to make it look like it would as the real piece. It took me forever to think of a triangular design that could be repeated some hundred-odd times. And knowing me...I wanted one of my characters in there! So, thinking of a design cut my time to actually WORK on it down to two days. Needless to say, that with all that coloring and inking...I didn't get to bed until VERRRRRRRRRRRY late.

The one cool thing about it is that it looks pretty trippy from afar. All the colors look like a Crayola version of a Baroque wall pattern or something. Perhaps it was because of all the yellow and bright colors I placed in it. ^_^??

And, of course, the rating has brief nudity of breastage. gasp O_O! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Lauren Sefchik

Teen (N)
Finished Work
22y199d ago
Other Work By @laursefc

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