Sonitweek C

Éphémère pardonne a Féryk
Éphémère pardonne a Féryk by @manucote (Sonitweek C)

to lazy for rewrite the description of this pic..it's the same of Deviantart

I know it's a neked pic..but it's no very exiplit...

It's a pic on a comic that I did .....( the story will happen in 4 years, for the character)

Éphémère dreamed at her ex boy-friend, but she started to kiss Féryk ( the vampire of my best friend) But Féryk was hungry, so he bite Éphémère on her neck. She woke up.....but Féryk was sooo confused about this...he doesn't want to hurt his ver goof friend Éphémère.

But Éphémère is a good girl, she forgiven this story ( Spelling right ??? don't know )

ABYWAY, this is the story. And why they are naked ?? Because they sleep without clothes. WHY Éphémère sleep with Féryk if they are just friends ?? She want to be with someone...for be secur...

But anyway in the future Féryk and Éphémère will be a couple......

long story huh ?? I hope you like the pic Artwork © Copyright 2002 Manuella Coté

Mature (N)
Finished Work
21y183d ago
Other Work By @manucote

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