Luna Vee

Not The Only Dust My Mother Raised
Not The Only Dust My Mother Raised by @lunavee (Luna Vee)

Whee! A background! Of..sorts...

I was trying to make him about the age he is in the show (11 or so), as one can tell by the subtle jawbone, but unfortunately, as per my art style, he looks way older. Draw your own conclusions.

And yes, I know their father raised Dib and Gaz (well, actually, Dib raised them, when one considers the Prof.'s parenting skills and lack of ever being home), but changing TMBG lyrics is sacrelidge. huff Besides, we don't quite know what happened to their mom and when, so...yeah.

The lyrics are from the They Might Be Giants song, "It's Not My Birthday", which can be found on disk 2 of "Then: The Earlier Years", which I reccomend highly, if only for "Where Your Eyes Don't Go", "Ana Ng", and "The Famous Polka".

Side Note: I apologise to the person who commented on the first version of this, what with their comment getting subsequently erased when I uploaded the fixed image (sig, a couple additions, the such). Your comment made me feel all squishy-happy, though. Thanks! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Luna Vee

Finished Work
22y98d ago
Other Work By @lunavee

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 21 August, 2002 @ 05:09 AM

hi again. neat lyric pic. i looove lyric pics. And Dib is very handsome. I've done a whole bunch, maybe you could check 'em out. Maybe we can do a art trade? Cool song, cool pic, keep this up n.n

Posted: Saturday, 28 June, 2003 @ 08:20 PM

Good job. i find it quite weird that you used a somewhat happy song for such a gloomy pic, but as long as it's the giants I like it. Dib lokos a little wierd but it's fine (not my fav style but if you keep at it you'll get better). Keep up the good work (TMBG rocks!).

Posted: Saturday, 22 January, 2005 @ 11:31 AM

I like this fan art very much. It simpply touch my heart. Congratulations, this work and your other drawings are very good ^_^

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