Sarah C

Draco Malfoy!!! >:-)
Draco Malfoy!!! >:-) by @sarac (Sarah C)

I've received a few requests to do another Draco picture so here it is, Draco in all his er....Dracoy glory!!! ( Hmm I need to work on my descriptions...) I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllly like the way this turned out. I'm so proud of his hands. I think they are the best hands I've ever drawn! I've just recently been intrduced to the world of Harry Potter fanfics. If you haven't read Draco Dormiens (http://www.schnoogle.com/authorLinks/Cassandra_Claire/Draco_Dormiens ) then you have to...right now!! It is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! ^^!!!!!!!

Finished Work
22y324d ago
Other Work By @sarac

Comments & Critiques (12)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 13 November, 2001 @ 10:19 PM

WHOO! Draco! Draco rules! I love the pic! ^_^

Posted: Wednesday, 14 November, 2001 @ 05:18 PM

XD XD XD very secksay ^.~ i'd say, GREAT JOB! I'm definitely showing this pic to all my hp friends~! XD XD XD blinks that wasn't hyper enough ^^;;; really, this is like... @@;; oi...i can't stop grinning.. ; (see what you made me become? >XD)

Posted: Friday, 16 November, 2001 @ 04:04 PM

OK...I´m not really a Draco fan but this is AWESOME!!! I really like the look on his face and the snake!!! Keep going like this!!

Posted: Saturday, 24 November, 2001 @ 12:09 PM

We all love Malfoy and his Snake ::Evil Grin:: Anyways, i've read Draco Dormiens and Sinister and they made me think of Draco in a whole different concept. I now think of him as the guy with the hard mask but the soft interior whos still ignorant, obnoxious, but very cute. This is wonderful, you have gotten all the draconess perfectly and his expression is so....for lack of better words...draco! P.s. keep up the good work and do more Draco!

Posted: Monday, 03 December, 2001 @ 04:34 AM

Head hands I'm glad I'm not the only buried under Harry Potter requests. Poor old Draco has only been done been done for personal reasons. I don't want to molest him like so many other alarming fans do. I just want to put him in a jar and repeatedly say how cute he is. Great image, by the by, I might just have to print it off and put it in the jar instead ^^;. "Draco dormeins Nunquam Titilandus": Never Tickle sleeping Dragons! Or sleeping Draco's for that matter.

Posted: Thursday, 06 December, 2001 @ 01:51 PM

Wow, he's extremely cute, yah!! :P ~_^ Great job, only thing is that the snake looks kinda... flat. I think it's the shadowing.. But again, Draco is great ;) And I immediately went to read the story...

Posted: Sunday, 09 December, 2001 @ 07:52 PM

I am -the- Draco fan. Find me in the Hogwarts chats, ferreting about to find a Draco for Fox. Good, everyone makes him look so hott... And he is! Sessa..Sexa...hehe...

Posted: Monday, 17 December, 2001 @ 04:00 PM

this is awsome! i printed it but i lost it and i printedit again

Posted: Sunday, 30 December, 2001 @ 05:09 AM

Oooo...XD I like it!

Although I think his ears are a bit to far up on his had and their kinda misaligned, plus he looks kinda skinny O.o but really, I love the picture a lot! ^-^ You did a great job on it!

Posted: Wednesday, 02 January, 2002 @ 10:50 AM

um,the snake does look flat..frodo is better!go to search here and type in lord of the rings,oh please go to the silmarillion too,please leave a comment!

Posted: Sunday, 03 February, 2002 @ 11:14 PM

Ack! Can't. Breathe! Draco-kun! ::Glomps the poor blonde bishie and carries him off with an evil grin:: ^_~

Posted: Monday, 03 June, 2002 @ 12:36 PM

are those leather pants? ::drools::

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