Miguel Castaneda

Distance... by @migucast (Miguel Castaneda)

As the image and the name implies, Amuro's attachment and involvement with the Gundam draws him ever farther and farther away from would-be girlfriend, Frau and hand made droid, Haro. Haro came out a little darker than I wanted... I'll have to use a lighter shade of green next time.
Personally, I'm incredibly surprised both Amuro and Frau came out so legible. Usually, it takes me forever to get characters I've never drawn before right.
Now... This is supposed to be the first of a long line of Gundam pics. Pray that I actually get around to doing the rest of Gundam pics I wanna do. If I do... I think my next one will be about Char and Sayla. Oh! And obviously, in the background is Amuro's first ride, the RX-78-2 Gundam (one of these days, I need to do a pic of my FAVE Gundam, RX-93 Nu Gundam! "IKE! FIN FUNNEL!!!")!

Finished Work
21y211d ago
Other Work By @migucast

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 10 October, 2002 @ 02:43 AM

pritty convinceing... The RX-78 looks real enough, and I must say you did a good Haro... Got any Char pics?

Posted: Thursday, 10 October, 2002 @ 07:40 PM


Not yet. I've been planning one for a while, but various other things have kept me from it. Perhaps when I finish with my current Domon picture, I'll do Char.

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