Journal Entry
Vrikalo Ear Length
Posted On: 24 Oct 2024, 05:06 PM
Posted By: Vrikalo
Naturally vrikalos have very long like ears so they can hear things at further distances than certain animals and pick up the slightest vibration far away as it makes great for when their hunting and communicating with each other during hunting parties.
When born their ears can be a bit on the shorter side of things and grow certain lengths as they develop. Some older vrikalos have longer ears than younger vrikalos and some vrikalos have wider ears than other vrikalos. Basically, it just depends on the size of the vrikalo, how old they are, and even if their a male or female to determine just how long their ears might be so they always vary in size and width, but always have the same basic shape to them.
Depending on fights and scraps sometimes the ear can become shortened through a fight with part of the ear being bitten off.
In some cases, ear length can be genetic as where certain vrikalos with short ears could of breed producing an offspring with shorter ears same with a long ear situation as some can get pretty long.