@Camazotz || Journal Entry
Masiel U

epiv tropes
10 May 2023, 12:36 PM

i want to make a list of the tv tropes that happen w my own characters so this may end up being a looong journal, maybe not right now but as i keep updating it ( i’m not even sure if i worded that right) some tropes on my characters were done on purpose like mediko being a mad scientist and having his own igor (HE’S LITERALLY CALLED IGORSITO COULD U GET IT ??) while others were accidental like the “mad scientist’s beautiful daughter” THIS ONE IS SO SPECIFIC YET IT’S HAPPENING WITH. MEDIKO LMAOO and since i am already talking abt Mediko i’m gonna start with him, (each link is a trope) first of all he’s like the main villain in my universe (he’s not important or like a main character or anything ) but yeajh he does some evil stuff- here’s some of the tropes:

he is a mad scientist,,, a mad biologist to be MORE SPECIFIC, he uses corpses to bring them back to life and turn them into REAL EXTREME MONSTER WRESTLERS,, so he’s a monster maker too,, i mentioned the mad scientist’s beautiful daughter earlier, this one is about vampiarela, i doubt anyone here knows who she is bc i don’t draw her often, she’s not really el Mediko’s daughter xD she’s one of his creations, the only “monster” that didn’t end up a failure, and their relationship isn’t really that of a father-daughter but since Mediko created her - ok this is not about my characters lore oops i’m getting too far from the point ,, anyways Mediko creates these monsters to get someone worthy of his name, vampiarela COULD possibly be but she doesn’t really care nor understand any of this, 99% of the monsters don’t get to live past some hours or they get completelly destroyed at the test matches, so ya lots of failures,, man they’re made with rotting corpses,, what do you expect,,, then we have igorsito who serves as,, an igor to mediko, he only does it for the money doe

Pistolero: aight the point of this character is that he’s a bunch of funny mexican stereotypes like,, el macho, luchador DUH, the huge ahh sombrero,dude his character is a gunslinger,,, this,, his name ends with “o” i can’t stop laughing rn this shits too funnt and it’s all in that page HSJSK oh he is dark skinned, he wears a skirt for his entrance, he has reaaally long braids and this combo makes him look like an adelita ig

my battery is dying i think i’ll have to continue this later oops

Comments (1)

Posted: Thursday, 11 May, 2023 @ 03:40 AM

I love trope dissection please make more of this yummy in my tummy

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