Samantha Nowinski

Prince Zei of the Death Irkens Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Prince Zei the II, Son of Lord Ziera

Age (when first appeared): 19

Birthday: January 6

Blood type: C-

Family: Lord Ziera (Father), Lady Niaka (Mother), Quale (younger brother by two years behind), and Lieutenant Zei (Grandfather)

Height: 6'0" or 6"1"

Skin Color: Pale green tone

Color Eyes (in human and Irken form): Dark green

Hair Color (human): Brown

Hair Style (human): Almost neatly tied back in a low and loose pony tail; his human hair is a little bit past his shoulders.

Irken?: Yes; Death Irken, mostly, but Zei's a little bit of a peacemaker because of his mother, Niaka, and her family background with a little bit of peacemaker inheritance.

Human?: No.

Anything else about his appearance?: Why, yes. He has a number of...hm...three piercings that can be easily seen: antennae piercing, left nipple piercing, and a belly button piercing. Why does he have a belly button? Zei was naturally from his parents. The Irkens that are cloned don't have them, at least that's what I like to think. He also has a scar on his forehead, and a few more scars here and there all over his body.

Usually wears: Anything black and gray is fine with him, but Zei will wear other colors (when he feels like it). He doesn't have any category when it comes to his clothes, but he mostly wears any shirt with baggy pants/jeans/etc. Oh, and his infamous boots must come in handy (do not deny the boots! lol). When it comes to going outside, though, the only kind of coat Zei would touch is a trench coat (he has a black one). Heh. For a royal prince, he sure dresses a little too casual.

Accessories: Most of his accessories are either from his knife collection or his collection of disease-preventers. Throughout the years, Zei had to wear the following to keep his disease under control: a chip in his back that would stop the growth and keep it where it is at all times, and those metal things on his head to stop any pain or disease spreading to the blood flow in his head (you know that thing Tak wears on her head? Think that, and a medical purpose). What can I say that Zei treasures out of all of his other weapons? Easy--the five-inch dagger Zei carries in his pocket at all times.

Abilities: Zei has many abilities that not even any other death Irken possesses. Zei can do the following: disappear from one place/spot and reappear into another spot, blow things up using his mind, cause fires to break out (only when he's sick, though), float in the air and fly instead of walking, and he can freeze anything, like a victim of some sort, into one position where they can't move at all. Zei also has strange, super-natural strength--he can easily plunge his hand into a man's chest and tear out vital organs, for example.

Weaknesses: Zei has weak will power, which causes him to break out into killing sprees--which is the reason why he killed so many people when he was younger. Also, when he was born, Zei caught the disease ne'lopsis, or rather was born with it. He has to wear a chip in his back and a metal-something (what Tak wears) to fight the disease and numb the pain, as if it weren't there at all. Also, Zei's left eye is weaker than his right because of the injury over his eye (y'know, where that scar is? The one on his forehead?) weakened his vision just a tad bit.

Good Qualities: ::thinks, looking for GOOD qualities::....hm...oh yeah! lol. Well, Zei's plenty serious about everything he does. Deep down past the sharp edges, Zei is as good-hearted as anyone can come; he just expresses it in strange and misunderstood ways. The one thing to know is that when you start an argument with him, he will NOT let his opponent win, even if he is wrong. Zei's also got some good knowledge on weapons, history of planets (well, he visited them and killed so many people, lol), and he can plan good battles when it comes to military and such, even though it's nothing he wants to do.

Bad Qualities: Zei can be VERY sarcastic and cold hearted most of the time. He also tends to be very crabby and impatient. Because of his weak will power and lack of confidence in himself, he basically lets insults get to him (example: In Chris' roleplays with our characters, along the way, Zei became anorexic and basically a nervous wreck). Another bad quality is that Zei HATES to lose. He has a short temper and plenty stubborn, too; he will NOT take "no" as his answer to anything. It takes a long time for Zei to trust people, too.

Friends: The only person he's able to consider as a "friend" is Aqua, so far.

Crushes: It depends on which roleplay. Fanfics alone? He has no lover/girlfriend in any lone fanfics of mine at all because of the following: 1) I didn't come up with any yet, and 2) I'm not sure what to do with him in fanfics yet. In the roleplay me and Chris have, Zei is with her character Inori, which in my opinion they make a funny couple. Both different and similar at the same time. The two have a total of five kids together: Aaron, the oldest, Tako, the middle child, and Myyanki, their only daughter. Jir became the adoptee child once he was converted to Aaron's age in the roleplay (around when Aaron was thirteen years old), so that's four...but then there's Fena (there's a BIG story about her. It's difficult to explain). In the roleplay me and Sev have, Zei has a confusing "relationship" with Iris--he's trying not to fall too deep because Tak's already her girlfriend, so Zei doesn't want to care too much in case he's suddenly "just someone to fool around with"...but it seems like it's getting somewhere. ^_~ In the VERY FIRST ROLEPLAY that Zei was ever involved in, with me and my other good friend Chelsea, he's with her character Fay, and the two of them have twins: Lil' Ziera (hehe, named after Zei's old man), who is seriously a duplicate of the old big bad Zei, and Aika, the complete opposite of Lil' Ziera.

Enemies: First, there's Martin KazRael, the bounty hunter. Martin has Zei on his "list" and Martin's not resting until he kills Zei and claims his reward for getting his head. Also, Zei absolutely, one-hundred-percent, HATES Tai. In the first roleplay he was in (Chels' roleplay with me), Tai and Zei are rivals and they hate each other's guts; when it comes to actually saving each other's throats, they have no choice ^^;. Anyone else that bothers Zei or gets in his way he will immediately hate. In some small way, though, Ziera, his own father, is Zei's enemy. Zei, as growing up, grew to hate the peacemakers in a way--because it was claimed, thanks to the peacemakers, that it was their fault that his mother Niaka is dead (which isn't true). Zei is also enemies with Ric, Aqua's older brother.

Biography: Zei was almost pronounced dead when he was born from his mother Lady Niaka--but by some medical miracle, Zei survived the disease he was born with and was required to wear a chip in his back for the rest of his life. As a child growing up, Zei only grew attached to one person alone; his mother, Niaka. Zei and his father, Lord Ziera, weren't exactly in favor of each other (seriously). While growing up, Zei was an outcast with the other kids living in the palace or around the area, since he was a "weirdo". So Zei's childhood was basically lonely. Yal, Ziera's good friend, made JIR for Zei to keep him company, which was successful. After Niaka died, and his younger brother Quale being dead, Zei was left alone with JIR, Yal, and his father. In no time, after the controlling force started to take over Ziera's head, Zei immediately started to rebel against his father and kept his distance from him as far as possible. After the influence that he had to train and keep his strength and abilities on track, Zei practically spent his childhood in the gyms, training with other soldiers and himself on regular basis. When he was fourteen years old, after enough from his father, Zei had enough. Within one night Zei ran away in a cruiser and flew off to Earth first. From there, the nightmare of his teenage years began. Zei started to have the same force that haunted Ziera come to him slowly, and it started to attack his mind--and he started to go one killer sprees, move from planet to planet, and steal things to keep himself alive...and Zei barely remembers any of it. This went on until he turned eighteen, when he was finally stopped. So, for the rest of the year, Zei came back to the planet Earth, got a new disguise to cover himself up. From there, he met with Martin...who immediately made Zei his number one target. Where he ends up from there? It really depends on which fanfic/roleplay it's based on.

(I'll get back to finishing his profile as soon as possible)