"What could possibly go wrong?" 😜
You enjoy yourself!
@Thorvald || Journal Entry
El Thorvaldo Moderator
I'll be out of town Wednesday to Friday and while I may peek in during downtime, assume any correspondence will be delayed until the weekend.
BK's back in the saddle and I'm confident S7 will stay its normally calm self. Don't let me down. :B
@ragukokarn: Hey gang, I'm back with—
@XxTheCreativeKitsunexX: I thought I'd just raid Lindisfarne buuuuuut Florida was probably the better call. ||||||:^{3>
@BadKarma @marven4lyf @Masonicon @N0-11 @NosaneTryhard @ragukokarn @Trezce @WAHlelujah @XxTheCreativeKitsunexX
Thanks one and all! Times had were indeed good, though I make no comment on what rest was or was not obtained.
No worries! Haev a nice time!