@Warehouse_Rabbit || Journal Entry
Warehouse Rabbit

Dream Journal 5
07 Jun 2023, 09:53 PM

My dream started like many other lately, just a boring day at work (I can't let go even during vacation...) when a group of teenagers arrived a the entrance. They were quite roundy and we were ready to tell them to piss off until he got a call from the boss. These kids, who smelled strangely of herbs were the little snots of his business friends and we were supposed to babysit them for the day.

They decided to spend the day with a session of DnD set on the world of Berserk, for some reason and sat in a hippy circle near the toilet paper section before we shoo'ed them away to the cafeteria.

Unfortunately the game they brought was cursed and they accidentally ended up summoning a giant rabbit from Hell itself. The rabbit wasn't having any of their zoomer shit and tore them shreds. ... Great! Now I'll have to clean intestines and blood out of the cafetaria ceiling...

Everyone noped the fuck out of there except for yours truly, obviously my affinity for rabbits has made me retarded and suicidal, so instead of fleeing I approached the towering, slender wendigo rabbit whose dark fur was coated in gore.

The rabbit and I ended up having a very interesting conversation. I did not understand his tongue, but he showed me visions of his world.

n Hell, there was this great ocean of blood, all across it there were the moaning damned and the corpses of insectoid warriors impaled on spikes. The rabbit told me that, this place used to be a desert, no different from the ones on our Earth, but over thousands of years, a never ending war between the bugs and other demons raged on without pause. The rabbit explained to me that so many were slained, that their blood overflowed the desert, creating a great ocean, larger and more violent than any other in any world

Comments (2)

Posted: Wednesday, 07 June, 2023 @ 10:02 PM

haha, what a Ghost Story, Mark!

Posted: Wednesday, 07 June, 2023 @ 10:05 PM

@Thorvald: That show was a masterpiece. Rest in peace, Rabbit King

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