@alliu || Profile
Allison U

@alliu (Allison U)
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It's been a while...
04 July, 2000
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
10 September, 1985
alliu turned 39 this year.
OH, Unspecified
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You, my name's Allison, but most people call me Al, and sometimes Alley(Alley Cat is reserved to Summer theatre people! XD). I've been drawing for a long time, but didn't SERIOUSLY start drawing until the summer before my freshman year in high school. I'm currently 16, and a junior. I've been acting since I was about 7, I mostly just do comedy, and some drama. I don't like musicals. I do love lush, exotic men, preferabely from Tahiti, Haiti, or Canada. I also sing. I used to take lessons, but now it's just for leisure. I love to write. I've competed in tournaments, but I never did very well, but despite this I have an overblown opinion of my writing. I've done some minor song composition in music generating computer programs. I want to learn to skateboard and snowboard, really REALLY badly. I JUST starting learning some VERY BASIC break dancing. My job prospects are a website designer, a skateboard designer, a fashion designer, an animator, a stand-up comedian, and/or a voice actress. I like to think I'm smarter than most people my age, but I'm smart enough to know better. I'm a stage-child, so I like attention from people I don't know. Thank you to anyone and everyone who's ever looked at my art, my web sites, drawn me a rendition, or linked me. It means a lot to me, really. Props to all the summer theatre people, the TSFA gang, and my 'net buds. You guys know who you are. Special thanks to Kat, Draper, and Anteau, you guys are great. Bows to my meantors Pete and Ms. Reamer, you're intellegence is best shared and your equality towards kids make them sit up and listen to it. Much love to Robin, Ax, and Ani, my three best friends in the world. I have no clever note to end this on, so all I shall say is....na no da! C.C

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