Chase Harlem

Phoenix Angelguard Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

My Final fantasy VIII charas basic bio.

Age: 17 Height: 5'3" Occupation: SeeD Trainee/Pinion Keeper Weapon: Cross or long bow/Samurai Sword Home: Pinion Mountians

  A passionate and energetic girl, with a firce fighting attitude and flirty tom-boy nature.

Phoenix seemed really out of place in the quiet Pinion Mountains, with her father and friends who were peaceful and didn't like fighting at all. Being energetic, she seems to have endless streams of energy which she needs to use for fighting. Her father finally decided to let her go to Balamb Garden to put her fighting skills to the test, but she was called back to the Pinions almost straight away, after the Pinions were attacked by the Uri-Kai.

An expert in both swordsman ship and archery, phoenix aften use long bows or cross-bows as her main weapons, but also uses her Samurai Sword expertly for hand-to-hand combat, usually using this in the training centre when training with Squall.

Being more the tom-boy than feminine, Phoenix spends considerable time with Zell, Squall and sometimes Irvine. She enjoys training with Squall and hangs around with Zell when in need of a laugh or advice, but she often gives Irvine the cold shoulder when surrounded by others, but behind closed doors, it's a very different story.

Phoenix Angelguard copyright to Chase Harlem.

Final Fantasy VIII and all it's charas copyright to Squaresoft.