Chase Harlem

Patch/Faith Sironaki Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 15
Favourite Card: Feral Phoenix
Height: 5’2"
Quote: ‘What a loon…’
Reincarnation: White Mage
Strengths: Strong, reliable, crafty, loyal.
Weaknesses: Very short attention span, her family, her friends
Weight: 7.5 st

OK, me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!


Sorry! OK, well, I’m Patch, and yeah, I joined Yuugi’s little posse, when the squirt referred to me like I was a friend, that, and the fact, that even though I’d stole from his friend, Joey, he wasn’t mad, and understood why I’d done it. I know I’m not a fantasic person, but believe me, I try! After you go through everything I’ve been through, it’s hard to open up to people. So, here’s a quicky redition of my life.

I’m born, like any normal kid, to a family. I have a mom, and a dad, but I’m an only child. No biggy. We’re pretty rich, cause my dads an archeologist in Egypt, also known as an Egyptologist. So, instead of being brought by my parents, I’m brought up by a nanny! Oyy…. Anyhow, since I was usually left to my own devices, I started honing my fighting skills in as soon as I could walk. My mom wasn’t a huge part of my life, and my dad, well, at least he tried.

He’s the guy I got my necklace from. He took it from an excavated tomb, of, what he thought, was an Egyption Queen, but he was wrong. I’ll get to that later. Anyhow, when I was 9, my dad gave me this necklace, because he said it remind him of me, and he hoped it would be reciprucated, and believe me it was! But, when I was thirteen, my dad got really sick, from a mosquito bite he’d got in Egypt. He died a few weeks later, and my mom died a few months later, because of grief.

I was gonna be given to a foster family, but I didn’t wanna go to someone who knew nothing about me, so I ran away and lived as a theif with a little puppy for company. That little puppy ain’t so little anymore, and he’s my best friend, Daraco!

Back to my necklace, I found out while I was with Yuugi’s group that my necklace was a Mage stone. The power keeping gem which gave my reincarnation her power. The White Mage was one of the most powerful beings in the world, and wasn’t really on anyone’s side. So, she could either be on the Pharoh’s side, or on the baddies side. So, I wouldn’t piss me off if I were you, or you might find your beds been replaced with so seriously peeved Asp snakes!


Sorry! OK, what else is there… oh yeah. Me and Joey. Well… lets see… the White Mage was betrothed to his reincarnation, but they weren’t ever married because she was kid napped by some Dark Mages. But she didn’t go over to their side, because she didn’t want to hurt him because, well, basically, she loved him too much. As normal teenagers, yeah, OK, we like each other, a lot, and we are basically an item, much to Daraco’s dismay!

Well, that’s all about me, so yeah!

(Taken from my Yu-Gi-Oh! website; http://devoted.to/rubyduo))