Debbie K

Fwuff Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Fwuff's a Tropic Dragon. 'What the heck is that?' I hear you shriek! Let me explain. Tropic Dragons are small (about 30 cm from head to tail), very brightly coloured dragons who live in Rainforests. They can't fly, since they lack wings, but they're great climbers. They're omnivorous, and they'll eat ANYTHING they can find, from fruits to dead animals. For self-defense, these nifty little critters have a horn on their snout. It isn't very strong, and can break off easily when they're defending themselves, and, you know, having a dragon's horn embedded in your arm HURTS, but it'll grow back. They can also use their sharp little teeth when in need of defense. Tropic Dragons sometimes live in small flocks of about 5-8 dragons, but most prefer to live alone. They can also come in just about any colour, and some even have manes. Rainbow draggies!