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Debbie K

@debbk (Debbie K)
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18 March, 2002
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This thing's in dire need of an update. It's a bit too...unhappy.

Okay. Here I go. I'll try to write this whole thing without expressing too much hatred. I'll fail, but hey!

I'm a girl. I live in Britain. Wow, I'm interesting. Generally, I like anything that glows, because glowing is cool. I'm a bit opinionated, but I do my best to respect everyone. I think I'm quite easy to get along with, unless you're a person who just talks about your love-life, makeup, what clothes everyone should be wearing in order to be qualify as your 'friend' Good day. Don't hesitate to contact me on AIM if you're ever bored or something, I'll talk to almost anyone.

Back to my normal fun...I like drawing. No, I love it. I draw in lessons, in my free time, I wouldn't be surprised if I sleep-draw. I mostly draw reptilian things. I can't draw anything else properly. :P I like doodling on schoolwork, but I sometimes forget to rub it out. I've handed in work with eyeballs and little critters drawn all over it numerous times.

I find horror books and movies a good alternative to comedies, because they're just as funny! At this moment in time, I'm severely obsessed with Jhonen Vasquez and his works. The Almighty Tallest rock! So does Shmee. How could anyone not like Shmee? So...cute!Yet so....Shmee!

Music is another thing I like, and I'm not generally picky in what I listen to. I like Techno a lot. Techno rocks yooou! Bands...Umm..Tool, Gorillaz, Prodigy, some of Nirvana's stuff, Muse and Orbital to name a few....but I will not listen to most 'modern' pop. Especially not the type commonly referred to as 'bubblegum', I hate that stuff. It's not music, darnit! And what's up with that dancing? It gets more sick every year! I do like 80's stuff though.

I guess one of my most unusual traits is my permanent obsession with internal organs. I'm completely fascinated by them. I have a sketchbook full of photos and diagrams of organs somewhere. It all started a few years ago in Science, we had just gotten a cute little sheep from the butcher, and we got to feel it's organs. That was the day of juuudgement! Ok, I'm done.


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