Francisco Eduardo Vila Hoz

Edua the Mana Seed Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

AGL: 500
ATK: 500
Class: Many Weapons; Swordsman, White Mage
DEF: 495
LCK: 500
Edua's a calm young boy who can't age. He holds the main piece of the Mana Crystal: The White Crystal of Mana. This boy is wise, but is very small and tires easily by just swinging his weapon of choice: A 2-handed sword. He can use mana to attack and heal with:
*Holy Mana Ball
*Mana Crest
*Mana-Sword (enhances the sword's energy)
Story from "RPGer's Biography":
In the Mana Valley, long ago.. There existed a singular boy. This, the mana hero, had been
born to the Mana Goddess, and was set to roam free amongst the valley, but to never leave such.
Level: 50
Name: Edua
SATK: 750
SDEF: 590
SPD: 550
SPEC: 760
STA: 400
Species: Mana Sprite

Edua: "Mommy! Mommy! There's a fire in the woods! Nya!" Mana Goddess: "Don't worry, Edua. I shall put it out at once." Edua: "There was also this strange men in silver clothing. Nya! It shined against the sun and against the bright fire! Nya!"

The Mana Goddess told him to stay back, and to not even look at what was going to happen, and she rushed into the woods. The fire was put out soon after, when the father of the mana hero, and his brothers and sisters came in.

Edua: "Daddy!"

Edua hugged his dad's leg. Little did he, and his siblings know that his father would have to make an important decision. Later that night. Edua and his brothers were chatting, while their two sisters were picking flowers. (BTW, they went by the names of Raph, Edward, Viel and Caro)

Edua: "Do you guys know what's going on with dad being so depressed?" Edward: "Nope. All we did overhear was that we are going to be sent to different realms." Raph: "And we're going to get planted to help all the living creatures live!" Edua: "... Nya." Viel: speaking from afar with Caro "Look! A cute dandelion!" Caro: speaking from afar with Viel "It's a pink color! Let's pick it up." Edua: sigh Mana King: (Yes, if you gussed this is the fathers name, you are right) Kids, come over here for a second!

As the boys ran over to see what his father wanted, he told them to stay put, and not to move. They then vanished as act of magic, one by one, but for some reason, Edua didn't vanish in the Mana to another realm.

Mana King: "Hmm? Does that mean you aren't to be planted and turn into a tree, and live eternally?" Edua: "Nya? What do you mean, dad?" Mana King: "... You then, must be the true Mana Hero.. Come son. Let me show you something." Edua: "Nya?"

Following his father, Edua started to think what the title of Mana Hero would be for him. To save and protect? To care and honor? To go by the name and be in a higher rank than anyone?.. As soon as he was about to get confused, they arrived to a tree trunk. And what seemed the Mana Goddess chanting over a terrain. As she chanted, sparkly seeds fell to the ground. His dad motioned at a tree trunk, with a sword stuck into it. Before he even told him what the sword was, Edua had already taken the sword in his hands and strugled to get it free. Edua now held it over his head.

Edua: "What is this, dad?" Mana King: "So you are.. Mm? It's the Mana Sword." Edua: "Oooh.."

After a few years, Edua was a perfect swordsman, yet a small child. But during those times, there came many battles.. His father had disapeared, and the Mana Goddess fended away those that disturbed the valley. Many others came and took the sword, saved the world.. Then put it back to its rightful place. But when no more showed up.. something evil happened.. There came a great battle against the Mana Goddess, in which she was weakened.. The whole valley was engulfed in fire, everywhere except in the field where the Mana Sword rested.. The black knight closed in to the field of the valley, a small boy interviened. This, the mana Hero, quickly grabbed the sword and swang it against his foe. The Black Knight laughed.

Black Knight: "Foolish kid! Do you really think I'll be beaten by just a sword?" Edua: "NYA!"

The Black Knight then blasted the sword out of Edua's grasp, and he was sent flying back. He regained consiousness and confronted the Black Knight once more, taking the blows willingly, to protect his weakened mother.

Black Knight: "Foolish kid. I told you before, and I tell you again, I won't be beaten so easily." Edua: cough "We'll wheeze See about that.. cough CRYSTAL CREST!!"

Suddenly, Edua's hair flew up with the wind, revealing a diamond crystal, that seems to have been stuck to his head. As soon at is started shining, a strange light engulfed the whole valley. The Black Knight was badly wounded, and Edua had used all his energy. One blow would send him to oblivion.

Black Knight: "Noo.. I won't be beaten by a kid!" Edua: "Ungh... My head.."

The Black Knight blasted the crystal stuck to Edua's forehead, but instead of dying, he vanished, and the crystal's pieces were sent up in the air.. Out of the Valley.. And set to those of pure heart, that would soon meet their destiny... The Mana Sword, the Mana Tree and related ORIGINAL objects are © Squaresoft®.