Francisco Eduardo Vila Hoz

Clonus Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

AGL: 450
ATK: 500
Class: Swordsman, Lightning
DEF: 450
LCK: 400
Clonus is one of Crono anf Marle's many decendants. He is a skilled fighter, and wields the rainbow sword. He also holds the Gate Key (which in its entirety is the Astral Amulet too). Clonus uses upgraded levels of magic that Crono once used:
*Lightning 3
*Lightning 4
*Life 2
*Luminaire 2
*Luminaire 3
Story from "RPGer's Biography":
So, the Thunder crystal arrived and resided in a small boy named Clonus. The name of this
dimension, is unknown. We know that it is VERY similar to ours, except for the fact that robots
existed since early 1999 (Robots with own LIFE, not that are directed by a crummy fat guy sitting
infront of a computer) . Clonus, is the great great great great grandchild of Crono, the famous
spikey red haired hero of time. Clonus is at the Leene's Square. He is followed by Lucrecia and
Nadia the 4th.
Level: 45
Name: Clonus Guardia Trigger
SATK: 760
SDEF: 780
SPD: 450
SPEC: 800
STA: 500
Species: Human

Clonus: "Hey, look! It's the statue of the town's heroes!"

Clonus had taken his attention at the statue of Crono, Nadia, Lucca, Glenn, R66-Y, Ayla and Janus in the center, behind Leene's Bell, which is now under maximum protection.

Lucrecia: "Where's the color?" Clonus: "Wha? It was made a long time ago." Nadia the 4th: "BORING. Besides, the old Nadia isn't as pretty as me." Clonus and Lucresia at the same time: "IT'S ALWAYS YOU, YOU, YOU!!" Nadia the 4th: "HEY! You expect some more respect for being royalty.." Clonus: muttering "A royal pain in the arse.." Lucresia: muttering "A royal bimbo with a bad hair-do."

.. Life was pretty much the same as Crono's, I think.. Anyways, Clonus, of course, took a small "visit" to the bar. Clonus was sipping on a beer. The pink robot attending the bar was married to R66-Y. During that time, Lavos's shell remains were being picked up and recicled. What no one did notice is that there was something lurking about.. A smaller Lavos. Lavos Rebirth to be exact. It vowed revenge to those who destroyed its mother(or father?).

Clonus: sipping on a beer "That dumb princess. If we could just get rid of her being a pain in the arse.." Lucresia: comes in "Clonus! Something is attacking our neighbor city!" Clonus: Huh?"

Lucresia and Clonus hurried outside and towards the neighboring city. A turtle like creature was attacking the villagers.

Soldiers: "We can't stop it! It's shall its to hard and we've already lost more than 53% of our army!" General: "We have no choice. Evacuate and seal the dome. We'll have to resort to the atom explosives!" Soldiers: "Yessir!"

Clonus and Lucresia reach the Medina Dome (the earth kept moving, kind-of forming Pangea again, so the Leann and Medina ports sort of formed a bridge, making them neighbooring continents) just in time to enter before the evacuation started. The quickly hid as a group of people and soldiers rushed out the entrance. They quickly headed for where the monster was. Of course, since it is the Lavos Rebirth, it maintains its memories of Crono and his comrades. When Clonus rushes out from between two "residential domes", the Rebirth goes on a rampage, launching its ever devastating "energy spikes" attack. This is when Clonus finds out that, not only did he inherit magic from Crono, but that it was amplified by something inside him- even tho he did not know what it was or why it was there...

(Finally, some Dialogue!) Clonus: "Huh? Whats going o--?" releases a rather accurate and powerful thunder bolt at L-R* "Whoa!" Lucrecia: watches wide-eyed and confused "What in the world..?"

*L-R is Lavos Rebirth for short.

Suddenly, without wanting to, Clonus unsheathed the old runic he had found in the attic. It suddenly shone in the sun, de-rusting and revealing it's true color(s)-- 'twas the Rainbow Sword. L-R and Clonus were suddenly engaged in a raging one on one battle as the soldiers and Lucrecia watched. Clonus protecte the dome with a "multi bolt" forcefield (The lighning hits L-R's energy spikes everytime they menace the dome, stopping the attack every time its used) and L-R kept trying to destroy the world with its energy spikes. Clonus quickly slashed the beast's head, making it dissolve into dust.. Retreating, if you might say.. The soldiers were scared and amazed by Clonus's power. They wanted to congratulate him from a safe distance. Anywho, much more later, when Clonus was added to the hero statue (traditionally, without the color), he was walking down the street when a nuclear wast truck accidentaly dumped a strange substance on him.. turning him into a..

GRAY, FIVE-FINGERED, YOSHI!! .. With his wardrobe and intelligence intact...

Clonus: "Wha?.. Oh, stupid nuclear waste! What am I, anyway?"

When Clonus returned, he was exciled from Leann Dome, and into the past, where Yoshies still existed. This would, and will change the future in that dimension... During the time travel, Clonus was turning younger and younger, until he became nothing.. he was still there, but he was sent to another dimension, and at another time period: 1984, February 27th... Chrono Trigger related objects © Squaresoft® and Akira Toriyama(may your hard work be honored, for great justice!).