Francisco Eduardo Vila Hoz

Tech Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

AGL: 448
ATK: 350
Class: Mechanic, Thief, Black Mage
DEF: 345
LCK: 260
Tech, as a yoshi, was an outcast to the others. He had five fingers, more hair than spikes and his skin wasn't scaly. Tech considers comic relief to be the most satisfactory of jobs, since it make people(, which, through his eyes are miserable,) happy. Tech is a mechanical wiz and an excellent swimmer. He is wise when he needs to be wise, but he is extremely shy. He can use mana and magic to use:
*Holy Mana Ball
*Fire 2
*Fira 2
*Ultima Cannon
Story from "RPGer's Biography":
"Yoshin, February 27th, 1984.
Re-birth of Clonus. Enter Tech!"
Level: 30
Name: Brandolomeu Tech Yoshi Yoshi
SATK: 520
SDEF: 515
SPD: 467
SPEC: 525
STA: 380
Species: Demi-human Yoshi(At the moment)

(Scientific whatnot: Since in Clonus' dimension Lucca had not died, Kid was saved and never got the Astral Amulet, which was part of the Gate Key. That explains how Clonus got to this dimension)

The story of the Red Crystal of Friendship, "Fire". "The fire flared and lightened the dark room, hugging the group with warmth comfort." ~Me... Well, I had to do something, didn't I?! ((><))"

A baby male yoshi was born. Heir to the great Flying Yoshi City empire. Son of Quakyr and Merinda.

Hail Prince Brandolomeu Tech Yoshi Yoshi.

3 years pass. A baby male yoshi is born. Son of Quakyr and Merinda. Brother of Tech.

Hail Prince Boshi B. Yoshi Yoshi.

Since young, Tech and Boshi have quarreled fiercely against each other. Boshi was the usual one to start the fights and Tech always got in trouble.

5 years pass. A baby male yoshi is born. Son of Quakyr and Merinda. Brother of Tech and Boshi.

Hail Prince H. Greg Yoshi Yoshi.

The youngest brother seemed wise at the most of times. There have been many times that this young lad has stopped Tech and Boshi's quarrels. Though, being so young and at the same time mature helped him in most situations. Like the time he went into the Valley Ghost House (How did he get there? I dunno, this is Tech's story right now!).

During this perios of time, Boshi rebelled. He began to destroy and attack the Yoshi Flying City with a stolen mech. Tech and his recently built partner pooch, Robo, were the only ones to stand up against Boshi and talk some sense into him.

There wasn't much dialouge. After a few good tries at deactivating and dismanteling the mech, Tech was blasted of the YFC, only to see it explode (¿?). He hit the ground, and popped his head to see Yoshira's castle. Tech embarked on his quest to find Boshi and the Yoshi Flying City, no matter how bleak it may have seemed. Tech was given some supplies by the guards in Yoshira's castle and he soon departed from royal lands.

He went on with many quests, including fighting Morgana (Yes, she did complain about us overreacting. [Once again, sorry] We did try to explain we were only RPing!), being cursed by the Poké Bolé (explaining how he turned into pokémon), eating the mysterious Pommy Fruit (yet another explanation)and travelling with the NSiders, fighting many evils.

(NOTE:"Pokémon Tech" and "Pommy Tech" will have seperate stories...)

Finally, he heard news of a large supply complex which was re-fueling at a nearby city. Tech had found home, and he also found his rehabilitated brother.

Tech had regained part of his memory. He set on this years final quest:To turn back into Clonus.

"However", Tech thought: "turning back into Clonus and leaving this new life behind... There must be some other way!"

Tech traveled Yoshin again. He found a strange altar of some sort near the peak of the yoshian olympus mountain. It was forbidden territory for mortals, so Tech had to prove his worth in that very same altar, or be destroyed for setting foot on sacred land. Tech slowly entered and watched as the roof began to lower. He ran as fast as he could thru an apparent never ending hall way. He caught up to his senses. He had to be wiser than that to survive. Ducking into a narrow space on one of the sides, the roof fell, smashing everything but what was in the narrow spaces. Tech walked further in. In this room, a golden armored warrior stood tall. He would have to choose between his own, mediocre wrench and a sword to spar against him. He chose the wrench. Tech leaped at the knight, and dismantled the knight's helmet with the wrench. Soon after, as if he had cut his head off, the rest of the body crumbled into a heap of armor. In the last room, Tech was asked a question by an ominous voice:

Voice: "You, who hast passed the first two tests, what does thou seek?"

Tech thought, then he answered: "I seek to live two lives."

"Oh?", the voice asked: "If that is what you wish, one of your two lives must become a god."

Tech agreed. The voice poured upon Tech a liquid of sorts, which split Tech in two (explaining how he duplicates). One of the two life forms was a yoshian god mounted upon a god like cloud. The yoshian god of technology (he later found out his mother and father were also yoshian gods [Quakyr: Static. Merinda: Minerals.]). The other, was his former self, Clonus.

"You now exist in two plains", said the voice to Clonus. "You may return to whence you came by using your item."

Clonus opened a time portal, saying his farewells to that new life he was leaving behind. Tech waved back. "Now", Tech said: "I wish to return to my homeland with my original appearance." He reappeared right where he wanted to be.

9 years pass. A baby female yoshi is born. Daughter of Quakyr and Merinda. Sister of Tech, Boshi and Greg.

Hail Princess Sally M. Yoshi Yoshi.

Ah, yes. The baby sister... Hasn't done much to our common knowledge...

Tech sent out to another quest. He was bored of his appearance. He disappeared for a long time. He later came back as a demi-human yoshi elf. Neither he or the others know what happened...

And his story goes on... Some of the stuff © the respective NSiders. (Yoshira's Castle is © Yoshira;Yoshi Olympus Mountain is © LunaYoshi;MorganaYoshi is © herself;NSider and NChat:Nintendo®)