Hannah Matthews

Invader Vit Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Still in process of updating this Bio Like most other Invaders, Vit is quite arrogant. She's vengeful, but won't go to such great lengths as Tak did. In her rare cheerful moods, she can be quite pleasant. Her uniform is like that of most other Invaders with a few small modifications: the triangles (sleeves & neck) are worn backwards and her boots are longer than normal, as is the main piece which also has small slits either side.

Vit's SIR, DIR, is completely brainless - not the way GIR is, he has a paperclip, a rubber band and some loose change - I mean it quite literaty. DIR is constantly breaking down and is pretty much mute other than saying things such as 'Yes, ma'am'.

The pic for this bio... she looks tall @-@ She's only supposed to be a bit taller than Zim. Blah.