Hannah Matthews

Ramn Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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(Pronounced Rah-mm) Member of the Irken Pest Control Armed with the newest and best technology, the 'Pest Control' is a small group of Irken assassins who only take commands straight from the Tallest/s. They are used to eliminate anyone who is considered to be a threat. They also prove useful in organic sweeps. Nearly all Irkens do not about them, except a few of the higher ranking ones.

The dozen or so members of the Pest Control tend to be tall and slim (even for Irkens). The are clever, quick thinkers and their strength is in speed and stealth. They are extremely loyal to te Tallest/s - if they ever did something against the Tallest/s, or orders, the punishment would be severe. Their only uniform they wear is a piece that cothers their lower half of the face; not unlike those worn by the transmitters.

Ramn is the newest, and youngest, member of the Pest Control. She spent a few years at Invader Academy before going into special training.