Kim Kondratieff

Mercury Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Mercury! The official Stardroid Neurotic Puddle of Chaotic Goodness! Whom I shall not go into nearly as much detail about as Kipp, because that would be even MORE spammalicious and blow peoples' MINDS! :) Suffice it to say there is a logical progression from the Stardroids-as-Wily's-ultimate-death-machines to the Stardroids-as-the-ultimate-servants-of-the-Powers-that-Be. Really. Personality-wise, Mercury is the ultimate bastard lovechild of Professor Snape, Dr. McCoy, Constable Odo, and...a really irritable tokay gecko. Scary, huh? But, of course (so cliche! you expected this!) behind the two-mile-thick reinforced wall of rebar with added autokill security systems festooned with barbed wire surrounding the miles-deep of Arctic ice kept at subzero temperatures that protect the hardened steel safe with foot-thick walls GASP, Mercury does have a heart. Kind of. And he is crazy. And people don't generally understand him when he's talking because he's my outlet for publically using big words like 'tautology' and 'perspicacity'. And maybe I'll go into his history. ...Maybe. All I'll say right now is he's person #16,531 to hold the position of Mercury. They have a high turnover rate. Comparatively. To Pluto. Who is like...#2 to his position.