Kole Sauve

Torao Shinmoku Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Very Loyal, friendly, sensitive, sometime very loud and hyper, Torao is liked by most people for his honest way of talking and relating to other people. He belives that everyone has a right to there own opinions and should express them but not in a hurtful or forceful manner. Torao is 15 and is in grade 10. He likes to play video games, write and cook in his spare time. One day, he hopes he could become a famous author. Torao posesses phycic abilites. He is highly empathic and has strong Telekinisis. He has limited Flight and telepathic abilities also. His 2 best friends are Mikio Rikikuu and Tatsuko Kenka, though he may fight with Tatsuko often. Torao is secretly in love with Mikio.