Kole Sauve

Mikio Rikikuu Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Quiet, stoic on the surface and extreamly violant, Mikio is a time bomb waiting to explode. Mikio is 16 and currently in grade 10. He is an orphan that's been throwen from abusive foster home to abusive foster home during most of his life. Mikio was finally placed in a non-abusive one at the age of 12. He was taught to fight at an early age and has become a vicious street brawler. Mikio never goes looking for a fight but will never walk away from one if challenged. He has been in trouble with the police many times and has a large record with them, not just for violance but also for alcohol, vandalisium and theft. Mikio is very fond of knives and has a large collection in a secret panal under his bed. He also enjoys violant contact sports, video games and, surprisingly, drawing and reading. Mikio does not excell in school. He has one of the lowest point score averages in the school's history but has not been kicked out because of threat's from the Ministry of Children and Families and from Tatsuko, who holds up the total grade average single handedly. Mikio's best friends are Torao and Tatsuko. He has known them since early elementary school. Mikio has atempted suicide once before, when he was 13 but was caught in the act by Torao and Tatsuko and brought to the hospital. Now, he always wears wristbands because of his severly scarred wrists. Mikio is also deeply in love with Torao but has issues with it and has told no one.