@renebell || Profile
Renee Bell

@renebell (Renee Bell)
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It's been a while...
17 April, 2002
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
11 April
AZ, Unspecified
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Hmm...I'll do a good biography for once in my life...

Long ago I was born in a hospital in a desert. I came out screaming and shattered the glass of the hospital, I still can scream like that. At the beginning I never did draw or anything. But then around the age of four I moved to a different location in the same vast desert. Around the age of six I watched the anime Sailor Moon and Sonic. I wanted to draw like that so I tried. It came out like crap. But that didn't lower my spirits. I continued to draw and now here's where my ability lies. Very big improvement. Now the story of how writing came to hand. At the beginning I rarely read, I hated reading. But then somehow that changed, how I don't know. But now I read a lot. But in second grade is when my spark for writing came, and the computer. In that grade I read short stories and read some infront of the class. They were all about horses...I had an odd obsession for horses... Then on one fateful day, my parents bought a computer. In third grade I finally got my own website. At first I couldn't do HTML if my life depended on it. Then soon I started altering the website builder in little ways then in drastic ways. Thus my HTML skills developed. And later, or shall I say within last year and the beginning of this one, I read Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, and much more. Now for my life in school. I was never popular in the sense of a prep. Infact, from the very start in Preschool I didn't have any friends at all! I tried in my earlier grades desperately to make friends, but horribly failed. But now I don't really care how many friends I have. People still do tease me and call me a freak, geek, nerd, ect. but now I have more true friends then I ever did. I've always gotten good grades, but now this school year I have gotten all A's. This has by far been the best and now is coming to a close. I remember the last day of last school year, twas so sad, I nearly came to tears. This is my life as of 2002. By the way, I'll do art trades but no commissions.

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