El Thorvaldo Moderator

The New Face of China
The New Face of China by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

A sketch for the IOT spin-off, "The Multipolar World", featuring the newly-elected leaders of the Co-operative Federation of Xinjiang.

From the strictest reading, China did have a democratic government circa 2160... but christos was not a player known for adaptable roleplay. The Scarlet Lancers fought incessantly for a régime that was democratic in spirit as much as function, and finally achieved it Turn 8, 2165, after christos started a war he couldn't win and abandoned the country to be blown into nuclear oblivion, draining the treasury to bankroll his retirement to ArgentinaEthiopia. His "last" will and testament was to give everything to Australia, who partitioned the lands into independent successor states, one of which was "gifted" to the Lancers.

Somehow, this sketch took me half a day, amidst a pretty bad state of health documented in this journal. It's still a little on the rough side and the background was an almost total cop-out, but given how many times I had to revise this before and after scanning, I think I'm posting it partly to attest to myself that my work wasn't for naught. If I do any more edits, it'll probably be when my skill's so improved I'd redo the whole thing.

I hate shoes.

--- The players, left to right ---

Fred Serviss, Oz ambassador. How can he afford to look so casual? He's Aussie, of course!
Lan Xiurong, UN Observer on behalf of the Scarlet Lancers during the resistance era, and possibly now Xinjiang's UN envoy. She lost her eye from torture during the Christos era.
Huiqing Da, Prime Minister and head of the Co-operative Alliance, a political party espousing the reconstruction agenda, and thus garnishes 'mainstream' appeal.
Jianguo Deming, President and Independent.
The Red Lotus, leader of the Scarlet Lancers, looking much less intimidating now that she's out of her battle dress.
Zixin Ru; I have no clue what his job is yet.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt March 2012.]

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 20 April, 2023 @ 10:57 PM
Rating: 5

I hate shoes, too. The problem is you can't draw them barefoot, either, because that's even harder!

Nice to see the players. Zixin Ru looks like that guy who nobody really knows what his job is because he's just all over the place.

Posted: Friday, 21 April, 2023 @ 04:20 PM

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