El Thorvaldo Moderator

PropaGander by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 13th submission to DYOS VIII.

It had become a rather sad routine, since DYOS 5, that friction between Stylesrj and other contributors would derail the story into personal sniping, and eventually, whole front-wide action. Such was the case here; while CG's alluding to in-story battles, not unlike the latter half of DYOS 5, entire comics could be little more than agitprop. In this case, I'm punning on Styles' avatar at the time: "Warmech SEAL" = Wehrmacht SEAL.

With the Mods' Fridge long behind us, I figured I could tap into something other than olive oil... what precisely inspired Ukrainian spirits I no longer recall, though as per other comics, it reads rather wry today. :B

Operation Flashpoint/ArmA: Cold War Assault © Bohemia Interactive;
CivGeneral, Stylesrj, taillesskangaru & Fifty © themselves.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt December 2022.]

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Sunday, 03 March, 2024 @ 12:48 AM
Thorvald: Well, let me see... I established a socialist state..

DYOS 5 Me: Cool, wanna kick Stylesrj's butt?

2024 Me: You WHAT?!! (or alternatively: At least you're not part of the nomenklatura of the Democratic People's Republic of Imperum Offtopicum)

Posted: Sunday, 03 March, 2024 @ 06:09 PM

@GenMarshall: It's funny because I was just talking about the IRL nomenklatura in regard to the 1991 coup against Gorby and the subsequent collapse of the USSR. (You've watched the Sarcasmitron doc, aye?)

Posted: Sunday, 03 March, 2024 @ 11:06 PM

@Thorvald wrote:

@GenMarshall: It's funny because I was just talking about the IRL nomenklatura in regard to the 1991 coup against Gorby and the subsequent collapse of the USSR. (You've watched the Sarcasmitron doc, aye?)

I'm gonna have to add it to my to do list. I've only gotten snippits from Simple History, History Matters, and a reaction of the History Matter's video by Mr. Terry. It's something that I'm taking notes in regards with the Republic's Security Bureau when Coruscant splits into one based in Night Haven, Vekta (This would be the faction to engage in rapprochement with the Eastern Union) and the other based in New Port City, Earth & Solitude, Nova Terra. It's still in the works on who'd the shakers would be (especially with the who's who within the chambers in Andromeda).

Posted: Sunday, 03 March, 2024 @ 11:34 PM

@GenMarshall: It's touched on in Part 3, less the "how" than the "why": tl;dr the nationalist hardliners that greased the wheels for Putinism by blaming The Nineties on U.S. sedition conveniently disregard that their authoritarianism is why Yeltsin opted for shock therapy in the first place. Q.E.D. Johnson. B^)

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