El Thorvaldo Moderator

Heresy Grows from Idleness
Heresy Grows from Idleness by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 27th submission to DYOS VI.

Zarn is a DYOS veteran dating back to the very first story, but he's also that kind of vet who'll pop in for a comic or two and promptly disappear if nobody picks up on him. Like @GenMarshall, his was a religiously-motivated quest, but while I think he's more conservative than CG (at least during this time), he plays it decidedly tongue-in-cheek.

Chekhov built my armoury. References to this secret project continue into the current story, and was even mused as the basis for its own arc in DYOS 10.5 before lord_joakim moved house to 11.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt May 2013.]

Finished Work
1y33d ago
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Other Work By @Thorvald

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 02 May, 2023 @ 07:10 PM

Oop, said a little too much. Did he fourth wall break there? (Also the wide eyed glancing over just to make sure he heard right x) )

Posted: Tuesday, 02 May, 2023 @ 08:19 PM

@bobambee: I actually cribbed this joke from a sketch on a kids' TV show spoofing those blacked-out interviews:

"Don't use my real name, Ma!"
"...And why is it so dark?"

Sadly it's so obscure I only know it thanks to cassette copies from my Canadian contacts; the first the episodes started cropping up online was three years ago. (Stay tuned for a shout-out in a later comic!)

Posted: Tuesday, 09 May, 2023 @ 03:01 AM

@Thorvald: HAH, I could hear that dialogue so vividly x). That food flicks clip had me rolling! Lots of fun all around in every scene, hope more of them show up online, a media that must persist. Will be on the lookout for that later comic!

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