Mezz Delf

Who put that there?!
Who put that there?! by @yazzi (Mezz Delf)

Yup it's your typical drunk gryphon...I've always been suspicious about these fantasy creatures who are always depicted as graceful even though their construction CLEARLY defies the laws of physics...and so I took a "little" artist's liberty and present to you the tricky situations such characters try to keep a secret ;) Also thanks Athie for a great and very helpful critique on Goldie. I'll write you a decent email soon I promise. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Mezz Delf

Finished Work
21y336d ago
Other Work By @yazzi

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 15 July, 2002 @ 11:11 PM

You really have a talent Mary Anne Mezz Yezz. Keep up all the good stuff.

Posted: Friday, 19 July, 2002 @ 04:59 PM

HAHAHAHAHAHA. I love that expression. That is a RIOT. Plus, you gave 'im BAT WINGS! Wooo7! Nice texture to the fur. The reddish fur, though? ... Well, the way it comes off his back...oh, I see, the wings aren't very attached now, are they? ... But then, you were making fun of the whole physics thing (any GOOD griffin artist is going to attach the wings more, as you pro'lly know by looking at various art (NAMBROTH! JENNIFER MILLER RULES!)

Nice texture to the wings...and he has a great colorscheme (though I think the fur might be a little too grey/muddy?).

I"m trying to decide my opinion on the bg: it's kinda blurry...but OTOH, it gives that feeling of motion, kinda like he was in the middle of a swoop, then... WHOMPP!!

I like that rearfoot holding onto the branch. The other paws could use a little more stretch to them (see also: the art of Cara Mitten or Amelia Stoner, who give their animals long-ish "fingers" that are still very realistic), but I do feel like I'm being nitpicky at this stage...

Whelp... (laughs) I like it. :) Verah nice!

my art here: www.side7.com/art/daniwill (and I've a new hp, too.)

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